- She has shown a flair for public relations from the beginnings. 他从一开始就已经显露出从事公共关系工作的天赋。
- Yes. I took five courses of Public Relations. 有的,我修了五门公关专业的课程。
- Walter's reorganizing his public relations... 华特能重组公关部门。
- Benchen Public Relations Planning Co., Ltd. 本臣公关策划有限责任公司。
- The Public Relations Course a New Compilation II. 公共关系教程新编2。
- English for Public Relations II. 公关英语2。
- The public relations plan for C. I. 企业形象的公关策划。
- We elected her director of public relations. 我们选她为公关部主任。
- Modern Language Art of Public Relations II. 现代公关语言艺术2。
- They are trying to maintain good public relations. 他们试图保持良好的公共关系。
- The public Relations Department is very important. 公关部很重要啊。
- She is a hype artist for a public relations firm. 她是个公共关系事务所的宣传员。
- Critics called the move a public relations ploy. 批评家称这个行动是一个公关手法。
- A public relation firm handle all our publicity. 一家公共关系公司负责处理我们的全部广告宣传工作。
- Can new community public gatherings be created? 能否创建新型的社区公众聚会?
- So public relations stand a very broad category in America. 所以,公共关系在美国涵盖的范围很广。
- The public relations machine covered up the firm's heavy losses. 公共关系部掩饰了该商行的严重亏损。
- I am extremely interested in your public relations group. 本人对贵公司的公关工作尤感兴趣。
- He thought that would be a public relation coup. 他以为这将是在宣传上高明的一着。
- They call in a public relation outfit. 他们召请了一个公共关系公司。