- Thirty-six hours after the Watchers left London, the Russian receiver monitoring their communication closed down. 监视员离开伦敦36小时之后,俄国人用于监听监视员通信的接收机就关机了。
- Parker EPS almighty floor heating template mutual agreement, closely integrated to form a seamless interface. Constitutes a closed layer of insulation. Playing a scientific role of insulation and energy-saving. 万能地暖模板间的凹凸槽相互吻合,紧密结合,形成无缝衔接,构成了一层封闭的保温层。起到科学的保温和节能作用。
- As these factors continue to evolve I believe they will draw our business communities closer together. 随着这些因素不断转变,我相信彼此的业务联系会更为密切。
- I bank with Bank of Communications. 我在交通银行存款。
- Over the years,through patient construction of the nation,we have brought our different communities closer together. 经过多年耐心地建设国家,我们已使不同的族群拉近距离。
- He closed the deal successfully and was home free. 买卖成交了,他松了一口气。
- Over the years,through patient nation-building,we have brought our different communities closer together. 经过多年耐心地建设国家,我们已使不同的族群拉近距离。
- People say that the tiger is still lurk close to. 人们说那只老虎还躲在附近。
- The boss readily closed with the offer. 老板马上接受了这个报价。
- Over the years, through patient construction of the nation, we have brought our different communities closer together. 经过多年耐心地建设国家,我们已使不同的族群拉近距离。
- Have you closed the gate and windows? 你把门窗关严实了吗?
- He closed his speech with a funny joke. 他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。
- That oyster closed up its valves. 那个牡蛎把壳合拢起来。
- It can draw the people communicating closer, allowing them to exchange not only text but also all sorts of personal information, even facial cues. 它可以让人们更近地交流,使他们不仅可以交流文字,还有各种各样的个人信息,甚至是面部表情。
- She is buying a flat close to her office. 她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的单元房。
- She's always been very close about her past life. 她对自己过去的生活一直守口如瓶。
- For the umpteenth time close the door quietly. 我告诉过你好多次要轻轻地关门。
- Communicate closely with sales manager and deliver sales weekly activity report to manager on time, as well as keep good relationship with other colleagues. 根据工作的需要,定期向销售经理进行工作汇报,完成日常销售报表,并与同事保持良好的团队合作关系。
- The Waterloo line is closed for repair. 滑铁卢铁路线因维修关闭。
- K. this year.It is the aim of LCCA to work and communicate closely with other Chinese communities in this country and abroad to promote the welfare of the Chinese population. 华人协会的目的是促进和联络其他在英及海外的华人社团来提高华人的抗类福利事业及其待遇。