- With the help of hypertexts supported by hyperlink technique, communication in cyberspace deconstructed the domination of authority and developed a completely new pattern of inter-subjective exchange. 摘要作为以超链接为技术平台,以超文本实践为基础的网际对话活动,网络交流解构了权威的宰制和独白式的叙事法则,衍生出一种全新的主体际交流模式。
- The HUB was a job board and community in cyberspace, a hacking workhouse, gridiron and credit source for countless Union hackers and byteboys from Vienna to Vladivostok. 该枢纽是一个工作委员会和社区在网上,黑客workhouse,格和信贷来源,无数的联盟黑客和byteboys从维也纳到符拉迪沃斯托克。
- It's easy to create a phony identity in cyberspace. 在信息网络世界很容易制作假身份。
- One worry is crime in cyberspace. 一个担心是网络犯罪。
- "An argument in cyberspace is the worst," she said. 兰姆小姐说:“在网上发生争吵是最糟糕的事情。
- It's a lot different in cyberspace. 网络空间与现实确实不同。
- The Right to Privacy: Moral Constraint of Free Communication in Cyberspace 隐私权:网络传播自由的道德限制
- Or have you, out there in cyberspace, got a copy? 或许,你已经在你的电脑里硬盘面保留了一份拷贝,是吗?
- I no longer work in LA, but in cyberspace. 我不再在老挝工作而是在电脑空间工作。
- Identity and appearancemean very little in cyberspace. 身份及外表在网络空间里没有太大的意义。
- E-mail revolutionized communication in academe. 电子邮件革新了学术界的交流方式。
- We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco. 我们访问了旧金山的华人社区。
- Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine. 数字成像和通信标准。
- Well, at least it's consistent, since everyone lies in cyberspace. 好吧,最起码前后一致,反正每个网络上的人都说谎。
- Oral quizzing is important communication in class. 提问是课堂教学中师生交流的重要活动方式。
- He is a friend of mine meet and contact in cyberspace. 她是我在网络上认识的一位朋友。
- DJ: Do you have a lot of communication in music? 主持人:你们有很多音乐交流?
- Possibilities abound out there in cyberspace just waiting for you. 盛产有可能出在电脑刚刚等着你.
- We live in Cyberspace, we are everywhere, we know no boundaries. 我们生活在赛博空间,我们无所不在,我们的认识无边界。