- What causes the fog commonly seen in springtime? 常见于春季的雾是怎样形成的?
- Brachiai plexus injury is commonly seen in rehabilitation clinic. 摘要臂神经丛受伤是门诊常见的问题。
- Festooned doors are commonly seen in old style courtyards. 垂花门在旧式宅院中是很常见的。
- Pictures and home ranges of commonly seen dolphins are launched! 常见海豚的照片及其活动范围资料现已上载!
- Prevention and first aid of commonly seen injuries in P.E. 体育教学中常见伤病的预防和急救。
- It is most commonly seen as the udder dries off after weaning. 断奶后乳房干瘪是很常见的现象,它通常会影响到乳房后面腺体。
- Telephones with dials are not commonly seen nowadays. 带拨号盘的电话现在不常见了。
- In adult dogs it is most commonly seen in large spayed females. 成年犬中,该疾病最常见于大型的绝育母犬。
- Wives used to see off their husbands to work at the door, which is not commonly seen nowadays. 妻子们过去习惯站在门口目送丈夫们去上班,这在现在已经不常见了。
- Bill of Lading fraud is a marine swindle commonly seen in international trade. 提单欺诈是一种比较常见的海事欺诈,在国际贸易中,尤其是涉及货物运输、险的贸易中,单证交易已经越来越占据主要地位。
- Stress rings are commonly seen in the anxiety tetanic constitutions. 压迫力戒指普遍在焦虑破伤风的组织中被看到。
- Jackknife fish (Equetus lanceolatus) are not commonly seen in the ocean. 高鳍鱼(捷克飞刀)不常见于海洋中。
- Photoallergen-induced skin damage is commonly seen in clinical settings. 光变应原所致皮肤损害是临床常见的皮肤病症。
- It is commonly seen in hypovolemia and as a result of various medications. 在低血容积时会出现此情况。
- The essay discusses how to learn in five aspects, such as “feel and see”, and researches some commonly seen reading teaching models in dialogue sketchily. 同时从“感知和领悟”等五个方面目探讨了学的策略,粗浅地研究了一些常用的教学模式;
- Hence, Ganesha figures are most commonly seen with four hands which signify their divinity. 从而,甘尼萨通常地被看成是拥有四臂,象征着他们的神性。
- With a look of horse face-bull head, the wildebeest is a commonly seen animal in the big grassy plains in the eastern Africa. 长得牛头马面的牛羚,是非洲草原上常见的大型野生动物。群居,又名角马,常作大规模迁徙,东非动物大迁徙又叫做角马大迁徙。
- A case with idiopathic spinal lipomatosis is commonly seen in the following situations: steroid treatment, endocrinopathy, and obesity. 文献记载中只有少数完全没有上述危险因子的病例。
- Information asymmetry, commonly seen in financial markets, is one of the main reasons leading to financial fragility. 作为金融市场中普遍存在的现象 ,信息不对称是导致金融市场脆弱性的主要原因之一。
- Physical punishment is commonly seen as a necessary short, sharp shock to promote discipline. 体罚通常被视作一种提高纪律性的快速有效的手段。