- The common law courts developed the remedy of damages for this purpose. 为了达到这个目的,普通法院负责对损害进行赔偿。
- The Congress is the earliest common law court in Britain's history, its judicial power is by the House of Lords. 国会是英国历史上最早的普通法法院,其司法权现由上议院,即贵族院行使。
- It means that if a common law court decided that someone had caused unlawful loss to another, the court would order the wrongdoer to pay the other a sum fixed by the court called “damages”. 这就意味着,一旦法庭认定某人的非法行为对他人造成了损失,就会责令犯错者根据将其所谓“损失”的总数对受害人进行补偿。
- The courts made him a ward of his uncle. 法院指定他舅父为他的监护人。
- You must seek redress in the law courts for the damage to your car. 你的车子受到了损坏,你应当通过法律途径要求赔偿。
- A law court or system of law courts; a judiciary. 司法,司法系统法庭或法庭制度; 司法系统,司法部
- The Power Relationship Between Canon Law and Common Law Courts in Medieval England 英国中世纪教会法庭与国王法庭的权力关系
- The status of a married woman under common law. 有夫之妇的身份普通法中已婚妇女的身份
- The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial. 法院匆促做出的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏。
- Law courts must deal with lawbreakers. 法院必须惩处违法分子。
- The courts made him a wardof his uncle. 法院指定他舅父为他的监护人。
- a need to consider the policy first in a concrete fact situation, building rules only incrementally in the fashion of common law courts. 机关可能认为有必要首先在具体的事实情况下考虑政策,仅仅用判例法法院的方式逐渐确立规则。
- Judges and law courts dispense justice justly. 法官和法庭公正执法。
- common-law courts made law [经] 普通法院判例法
- Make law use: Dried macerate drop does water. 制法用法:虾米浸软沥干水。
- Common law has no statutory basis. 习惯法没有成文法基础.
- Decision of the court made a mockery of the trial. 法院匆促做出的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏。
- You must seek redress in the law courts. 你应当通过法律途径要求赔偿。
- County courts are primarily civil law courts. 郡法庭主要是民事法庭。
- The common law continues to apply. 普通法继续适用。