- common use of wagons 联合使用货车
- What are Some Common Uses of Pendulum Dowsing? 灵摆探测的通用用途是什么?
- The most common use of macro processors is in assembler language programming. 结论:巨集处理器最常用於组合语言的编写。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The most common use of the computer was to assist in accounting and financial statement preparation activities. 电子计算机最普通的用途是参与核算和财务报表的制定工作。
- This is a common use of a device filter, where more succinct text is provided for a device with limited screen size. 这是设备筛选器的常见用法,可为屏幕大小有限的设备提供较为简洁的文本。
- A common use of goto is to transfer control to a specific switch-case label or the default label in a switch statement. goto的一个通常用法是将控制传递给特定的switch-case标签或switch语句中的默认标签。
- A common use of password standards is to force users to select strong passwords. 通常使用的密码标准要求用户必须选择强密码。
- One common use of this type of Catch filter is to test for specific error numbers, as shown in the following code. 这种类型的Catch筛选器的一个常见用途是测试特定的错误号,如以下代码所示。
- The most common used of basting is continuously even stitches. 使用最普通假缝是不间断的均匀针迹。
- Sled pulled by dog is in common use in the Arctic. 狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常用。
- A toll is charged for the use of the expressway. 在那条高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Another common use of callbacks is defining a custom comparison method and passing that delegate to a sort method. 回调的另一个常见用法是定义自定义的比较方法并将该委托传递给排序方法。
- When did this word come into common use? 这个词是什麽时候用起来的?
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- The most common use of this type supercharger or blower is on the Detroit two stroke diesel engines. 最普通使用这台类型增压器或者吹风机在底特律上两台冲程柴油机发动机。
- Retrovirus is one of the vectors in common use. 逆转录病毒是最为常用的载体之一。
- Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. 离合器使用不慎可能损坏传动装置。
- The special fine sand concretes are now in common use of constructional engineering in some areas in our country. 特细砂混凝土在我国一些地区的建筑工程中普遍使用,但是,在特细砂混凝土施工时,极易出现分层现象。