- The average price of common stocks increased nearly 300 per cent. 普通证券的平均价格,增长了近百分之三百。
- I've thought of taking a flier on some common stocks. 我原想快速收购普通股。
- Book value per share of common stock. 普通股每股帐面价值:等于普通股的股东权益除以外部股份。
- They've announced an issue of common stock. 在普通股方面他们宣布了一个结果。
- You have fewer rights with common stock. 普通股上你有些权利。
- The best way to own common stocks is through an index fund. 拥有股票的最佳方法是买入指数基金。
- Common stock and preferred stock. 普通股、优先股
- The riskiest securities that we looked at were common stocks. 我们所检视的最有风险的证券是普通股。
- Holders of Porsche AG's common stock also hold preference stock. Porsche AG的普通股持有者也持有优先股。
- Dividends for preferred stock underlie those of common stock. 优先股比普通股享有优先分红权。
- Some companies are financed entirely by common stock. 某些公司完全通过普通股融资。
- Corporate bonds that are exchangeable for a set number of common stocks at preset prices. 可以按照预先设定的价格转化为一定数量普通股的公司债券。
- Notice that the concept of earnings per share applies only to common stock. 需注意,每股收益的概念只适用于普通股。
- Managers talk casually about quick-payback projects in the same way that investors talk about high-P/E common stocks. 管理者随意的谈论回收迅速的项目就和投资者谈论高P/E普通股一样。
- Common stocks, like Dow Jones industrials, were unglamorous but usually dependable. 普通股,比如道琼斯工业股,无趣又乏味,但是可以作为参考依据。
- A portion of a portfolio might be in investment-grade corporate bonds, and a protion might be in common stocks. 投资组合的一部分可以是投资级别的共同债券,或者是普通的股票。
- We often look at the CB as a straight bond with an attached option to convert into common stocks. 我们常视可转债为一般债券附上可转换为普通股的选择权。
- The American depositary shares on behalf of tour company's common stock. 该美国存托股票代表畅游公司的普通股。
- How could an investor identify the best of a set of efficient portfolios of common stocks? 投资者如何能够辨别出普通股有效投资组合集中最优的那个?
- The core capital includes the paid-up capital or common stocks, capital reserves, surplus reserves, undistributed profits and minority interests. 核心资本包括实收资本或普通股、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润和少数股权。