- common red fox head 狐头
- common red fox feet 狐四足
- common red fox gall 狐胆
- common red fox heart 狐心
- common red fox intestine 狐肠
- common red fox liver 狐肝
- The red fox was named for it's russet pelt. 赤狐因皮毛呈赤褐色而得名。
- common red fox meat 狐肉
- He drove by meadows, saw three Moose, a red fox, and lots of deer. 他驶过草原,看见三只麋鹿,一只红狐狸,还有许多鹿。
- A lone red fox picks through the snow in Yellowstone National Park. 一只红狐在黄石国家公园的雪地里觅食。
- In Alaska's Denali National Park, a red fox opens wide for a yawn. 意译:在阿拉斯加的德纳里峰国家的公园,一只红色狐狸张开大嘴打呵欠。
- Sly Boy is an American red fox, with a thick coat of light brown fur. 鬼小子是一只美国红狐,身上有层厚厚的浅棕色的皮毛。
- Nevertheless red fox still expresses, bilateral collaboration is insusceptible. 不过火狐仍表示,双方的合作不受影响。
- Red fox racoon dog sees small gold monkey jumps so well, urgent procurable the centre of the palm perspired. 红狐狸看到小金猴跳得这么好,急得手掌心都出汗了。
- Almost meanwhile, gu Ge announces the acquiescent position that becomes red fox browser serves a provider. 几乎与此同时,谷歌宣布成为火狐浏览器的默认的位置服务提供商。
- "End run" is a transliteration of Tibetan, which means "red fox", commonly known as "Redye hu . 完冒"是藏语译音,意为"红色的狐狸",俗称"红野狐"。
- But how do relatively rare titans such as Betelgeuse emerge from the same stuff that usually yields batches of sun-sized orbs and even more common red dwarfs? 但是象参宿四那样相对稀少的巨型恒星是如何出现的呢?同样多的物质材料通常可以产生一批象太阳大小的天体,甚至可以产生更多的普通红矮星。
- Since, the google had not bribed the browser, but is your kind effort support red fox. 一直以来,谷歌没有染指浏览器而是鼎力支持的火狐。
- Almost 200,000 seabirds called murres crowd onto rocky ledges where they've laid their eggs. The fox heads for the cliffs to find food. 几乎200,000只叫做海鸦的海鸟涌入多岩石的岩脊下蛋。狐狸走向悬崖寻找食物。
- The spectacular red fox can be found in North America from the Arctic tundra to the mid-central and eastern U. 美丽的红狐狸是世界上分怖最广的肉食动物,牠们的分怖范围遍及北美洲,由北极冻原是一路延伸到美国的中部及东部。