- common mechanical failures 常见故障
- Describes the troubleshooting measures for the mechanical failures,image artifact and ID of the digitizer. 主要介绍了读取器机械故障、图像伪影和打号台故障的解决方法。
- The breakdown was due to a mechanical failure. 抛锚是机械故障造成的。
- It is mud in a common mechanical equipment, it is indispensable to the sedimentation tank equipment. 它是排泥机械中的一种常见设备,它是沉淀池不可缺少的设备。
- The common failures of dry gasholder with oil sealing are summed up,the reasons for sealing mechanism failures are analyzed,and some appropriate solutions are put forward. 总结了稀油密封干式储气罐的常见故障,分析了密封机构故障的形成原因,提出了相应的解决方法。
- Mechanical failures had been repaired. The weather was good. The scientists had planned that the part of the rocket would fall into the ocean after the launch. 机械故障被修复。天气很好。科学家计划是火箭发射后一部分落入大海。
- Why is exchange rate pegging the most common mechanism? 为什么盯住汇率知是最常使用的机制?
- For bearings, the most common mechanical parts, choice of appropriate lubricant plays an essential role on high-efficient operation of them. 轴承是最常见的机械元件之一,选择合理的润滑剂轴承的高效率运转有至关重要的作用。
- Corrosion of spare surface,malfunction and fracture of porcelain insulator are common mechanical faults in outdoor disconnectors. 零部件表面锈蚀、操作不灵活和瓷绝缘子断裂是户外高压隔离开关常见的机械故障。
- All our electric motors are guaranteed for one year; in the event of mechanical failure, the makers will replace any faulty part free. 我们的全部电机都包换1年; 如出现机械故障,任何有故障的零部件均由制造厂无偿更换。
- Mechanical failure of motors, drives and other vital electromechanical equipment are among the most common reasons for production stoppages. 电机、驱动器以及其他重要的机电设备的机械故障是工厂停产的最常见原因。
- Global hypomethylation and regional hypermethylation are common mechanisms of aberrant expression of gene. 广泛的低甲基化和区域性高甲基化是基因异常表达的常见机制。
- There needs to be a common mechanism, across the contents of a portfolio, that indicates regular intervals for the exercise of decision making. 需要有一个覆盖项目组合内容的通用机制,指示决策制定的常规间隔。
- This washing machine was guaranteed against mechanical failure-- I demand a new one! 这台洗衣机机械出故障是包换的--我要求换1台新的!
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- At the inquest, the accident was imputed to a mechanical failure of the signalling system. 经调查,这次事故被归咎于信号系统中出现的一个机械故障。
- Oxidative stress and mitochondria disorder are the common mechanism of neurodegenerative disease, such as Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease. 摘要氧化应激和线粒体功能失调被认为是神经退行性疾病如阿尔茨海默病和帕金森病共同的病理生理机制。
- Black/Red Spot: competitor with number shown has a mechanical failure and must stop at his pit. 黑/红点:该编号车机械失灵,必须立刻驶进修理站。
- Solve mechanical failure quickly, recover the capability of process equipment for manufacturing. 迅速维修生产工艺设备出现的故障,恢复设备原有性能,以达到迅速恢复生产的目的。
- A clock guaranteed for one year against mechanical failure or faulty workmanship. 对机械故障或制造缺陷有一年保修的钟。