- Because we shared common ideals,we had strict discipline. 因为我们有了共同的理想,有了铁的纪律。
- Foster common ideals and aspirations throughout society. 在社会形成共同理想和精神支柱。
- Because we shared common ideals, we had strict discipline. 有了共同的理想,也就有了铁的纪律。
- No common ideals and beliefs, no good moral standards, it is impossible to achieve social harmony. 没有共同的理想信念,没有良好的道德规范,是无法实现社会和谐的。
- Harmonious Society is the common ideal as well as the pursuance of the value for human beings. 摘要和谐社会是人类共同的价值理想和价值追求。
- The people in capitalist countries do not,and cannot possibly,share any common ideal;many of them simply don't have any ideals at all. 在资本主义国家,人们没有也不可能有共同的理想,许多人就没有理想。
- Pat, do not ask why she had to abandon the common ideal? She would say that is the very ideal of nothingness. 八、不要问她为什么抛弃当初共同的理想?她会说理想本来就是很虚无。
- Hope that from today more can be delivered here, and a good friend of Understanding, the sake of our common ideals struggle! 希望从今天起可以在这里交到更多的好朋友和知音者,为了我们共同的理想奋斗吧!
- From my long political and military experience I have learned that unity is of prime importance and that to achieve unity people must have common ideals and firm convictions. 根据我长期从事政治和军事活动的经验,我认为,最重要的是人的团结,要团结就要有共同的理想和坚定的信念。
- I believe in the preordained relationship! Hope that the people who can find one loving me dearly really , love our and our having common ideals pulls through this life together! 我相信缘分!希望能找到一个真心疼我,爱我和我有共同理想的人共渡此生!
- Good, I am glad to settle down here! Hope that from today more can be delivered here, and a good friend of Understanding, the sake of our common ideals struggle! 大家好,很高兴在这里落户了!希望从今天起可以在这里交到更多的好朋友和知音者,为了我们共同的理想奋斗吧!
- I am confident that we have a common faith, and never stop fighting, Zheng will quickly grow and mature, and usher in a brilliant and successful, this will be our common ideals! 我深信,只要我们拥有一个共同的信念,并为之奋斗不息,郑新将迅速走向成熟和壮大,并迎来成功与辉煌,这将是我们共同的理想!
- Idealist education promotes human development by helping those who receive the education to assimilate their personal ideals with the common ideals of the public. 理想教育促进人的发展,通过促使受教育者完成从社会理想个体化到个体理想社会化的过程来实现。
- Today, the "Home Ownership Scheme" before the common ideal for building cooperation slogan, to the simple definition of "retrogression"? 今天,在 “居者有其屋”的共同理想面前,对于合作建房口号的提出,能够简单定义为“倒退”吗?
- We anticipated has the wisdom, the specialty, the fervor, the compassion with the welcome is ambitious the gentleman to join us, tries hard for our common ideal! 我们期待和欢迎更多拥有智慧、业、情、心的有志之士加入我们,为我们共同的理想而努力!
- Rousseau presented his ideal women's education from the male perspective, beyond the reality and with some limitations, which is the product of common ideal and reality. 卢梭从男性的视角提出了其理想的女子教育思想,既超越了现实又存在局限,是其理想与现实共同作用的产物。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- It is our belief that peace and progress, harmonious development, living in amity, cooperation and mutual benefit, and enjoying a happy life are the common ideals of the people throughout the world. 这是我们相信,和平进步,和谐发展,和睦相处,互利合作,并享受幸福生活是我们共同的理想的世界各地的人们。
- It is among them important that the Party member leads a cadre to regard as, behoove is to have common ideal and belief, and be not had to the party compare hot love, clinking faithfulness. 党员领导干部要有忧党意识中国共产党是一个有远大抱负的政治集团。党员领导干部作为其中的重要一员,理应是有共同的理想和信念,并且对党无比热爱、无比忠诚的。
- Holding the common ideal to revitalize the national auto industry, Zhang Chunming decided to join Zomax, and they would together create a brilliant tomorrow for national auto industry. 让人倍感兴奋的是,他带来了一个集汽车变速器研发、生产、销售于一体的强大的团队。他们被吴良行创业的魄力和人格魅力所吸引,决心加盟中马,在汽车变速器领域开辟出一条金光大道。