- common grey iron 普通灰铸铁
- House Pyle - An grey iron greathelm on white. 白色底上,一只灰色的巨型舵轮。
- Good knowledge of alum and grey iron casting and machining processes. 熟悉铝合金和灰铁铸造和加工流程。
- All kinds of grey iron and ductile iron castings, such as casting parts of traction machine, pump, motor and auto, etc. 各类中小型灰铁和球墨铸件及其金加工件,分曳引机铸配件、电机铸配件、水泵铸配件和汽车铸配件四大系列。
- Brake assembly, Brake adjusting arm, Under Carriage parts, Gearbox for Automobile, casting of SG Iron and Grey Iron. 重卡车刹车毂总成,刹车调整臂总成,轮边减速器总成,底盘悬挂件。轻型车各种变速器壳体。各种球墨铸铁、灰铸铁汽车铸件。
- Through the research of wear and tear mechanism, ferrite grey iron was selected to use in cage bushing. 罐笼衬套是煤矿竖井柔性导向的重要部件。
- The clamp is aluminium alloy , counter weights are grey iron .the other parts are hot-dip galvanized steel . 线夹为铝合金件,锤头热镀锌可锻铸铁件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。
- The paper introduces such a line to produce shell-moulds of small and medium-sized castings of grey iron for motors. 本文介绍了这样一条用于生产汽车灰铸铁中小件的壳型铸造生产线。
- High chromium white iron grey iron bimetal in EPC V process has been investigated. 采用消失模铸造生产铬系白口铁-灰铁双金属材料。
- Our foundry department can produce 5000 tons of grey iron and spherulitic iron per year which provide solid foundation for rapier loom parts. 本厂设有铸造部,年生产普通灰口铁、球墨铸铁5000吨,为剑杆织机零件配套奠定了一定的基础。
- A 3-D CAD system for grey iron and ductile iron in lost foam casting was developed based on UG software with Standard C under NT operation system. 开发了基于UG的消失模铸造工艺CAD系统。是以UG软件为开发平台,在NT操作系统下,以标准C为开发语言,适用于灰铁和球铁的消失模三维工艺设计系统。
- China.Botou City of Hebei Province full production machinery Casting Co., Ltd. is non-ferrous metal casting, Grey Iron Foundry-based enterprises. 中国.;河北省泊头市通力机械铸造有限公司是以生产有色金属铸造、灰铁铸造为主的企业。
- Changlong Foundry Company Limited Establish in 1994, Located in Hengshui City Hebei Province is a special factory in Castings of ductile grey iron and investment steel. 景县昌隆铸造有限公司成立于1994年,位于河北省衡水市。主要经营球墨铸铁件、灰铁件、精密铸钢件。
- Manufacturing of various sized castings of carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, Grey iron, ductile iron as well as the machining of above castings. 来图来样加工生产工业用各种规格碳钢,合金钢,不锈钢,灰铁和球墨铸铁等铸件以及上述产品的机械加工业务。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- We produce carbon steel, stainless steel, stainless steel, grey iron, nodular iron and copper alloy castings eti.under CCS, LR, DNV, GL, ABS, BV, RINA classification society material approval. 通过CCS、LR、DNV、GL、BV、ABS和RINA等船级社材料认可的碳素钢、不锈钢、灰铁、球铁、铜合金等阀类铸件。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- The failure reason of grey iron chill has been studied by means of high magnification metalloscope and EPMA The oxidation mechanism under the codition in this research has been put forward. 本文采用金相显微分析、电子探针微区成分分析等手段对铸铁材质冷铁的失效原因进行了研究,并在此基础上提出了本试验条件下铸铁氧化过程的机理。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- Huxley, I feel, has much in common with Wells. 我觉得赫胥黎和威尔士有很多共同之处。