- common grand parent 共同祖父母
- They are currently the grand parent to a Bodhisattva grandchild, and are revitalizing their form and field through ascension. 他现在是一个菩萨孙儿的祖父母,正透过提升而新生自己的身体和能量场。
- I'm a ewe lamb to both my parents and my grand parents. 我是父母和爷爷奶奶的。
- Inbreeding of 2-2 or closer (breedings between litter mates or to their parents or grand parents) are not permitted. 禁止2-2范围的近亲繁殖(指同窝犬间、同父母和祖父母辈间繁殖)
- In order to provide a bright future for their only children,many parents or grand parents show too much love to them. 为了给他们唯一的孩子提供一个美好的将来,许多父母或者祖父母给他们倾注了太多的爱。
- It’s been more than a century since our ancestors (actually just our grand parents) came all the way from China and settle down in Sibu. 刚巧今天遇上了日本天皇的诞辰,所以明天是代替公假,在这样的一个情况下,我们将到她家作客,庆祝圣诞。
- Playgroup is an informal session where mums, dads, grand parents, caregivers, children meet together in a relaxed environment. 小豆豆班是一个由孩子和他们的爸爸妈妈,爷爷奶奶,阿姨聚集在一个轻松的环境里共同学习共同交流的自由的集体。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- Having only one parent in common. 同父异母(或同母异父)的
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- Huxley, I feel, has much in common with Wells. 我觉得赫胥黎和威尔士有很多共同之处。
- Rabbits and foxes are common in Britain. 兔子和狐狸在英国很常见。
- Study on Amorphophallus rivieri tissue culture and fast propagating the grand parent seed techniques with test tube culture 魔芋组织培养及试管苗快繁原原种芋技术研究
- Common tastes form a bond between the two men. 共同的爱好使两人结交为朋友。
- The two sisters have nothing in common. 两姐妹没有什么共同之处。
- She hasn't an ounce of common sense. 她一点儿常识也没有。
- He was regarded as heretic by the common people. 他被大众视为异教徒。
- Women's underclothes are a common fetish. 女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物。
- They made an alliance against the common enemy. 他们联合起来抵御共同的敌人。