- Do not be a slave to the common customs. 不要做世俗的奴隶。
- Don't be a slave to the common customs. 不要做世俗的奴隶。
- The capital let you keep the distance with the common customs forever. 资本,让你永远与世俗保持距离。
- Religious life becomes common customs, religious belief and religious values become moralization. 宗教生活世俗化,宗教信仰道德化,宗教价值观念现代化。
- The folk song showed music characteristic and the common custom characteristic of Chan faction. 从俗曲可以窥探到禅宗的世俗性特征与音乐性特征。
- Their cultural displays are that the culture depreciate,the value tendency becomes common customs,legal sense become indifferent and so on. 失业人员引发社会治安问题的文化表现主要是文化贬值、价值取向世俗化、法制意识淡薄等。
- "Then, are you willing to go with me to a happy place to far away from the trammels of common customs?" The flying bird asked sincerely. “那你肯跟我走吗,远离世俗的羁绊,到有欢乐的地方。”飞鸟真诚的问。
- Wilde was so into orientart,he thought the orient art just built such a perfect aesthetic world with"lying",no any reason with common customs he hated. 王尔德热爱东方艺术,他认为东方艺术的美如同一个完全脱离了世俗生活的“谎言”,完好地构筑了一个理想中的美的世界。
- Art must be neutralized out from literature, politics, common customs ethics and other factors, to seek itself value and awakening. 绘画艺术必须从文学、政治、世俗道德等其他因素中立出来,寻求自身价值的觉醒。
- It's a journey for time passing,fluctuant life and common customs crossing .It is a gritty,quiet and spirty practicing journey. 是时间流转的路途。是生命起伏的路途。是穿越人间俗世的路途。也是一条坚韧静默而隐忍的精神实践的路途。
- Seek a kind of individual with generality to narrate outside mighty narration, want to ask and shout loudly for people's rational common customs. 在宏大叙事之外寻求一种具有一般性的个人叙事,为人们合理的世俗欲求呐喊。
- The emergence of this kind of phenomenon is an inevitable outcome of some religious praxes existing and developing in Chinese literature with common customs sprite. 这样一种文学现象的产生,是佛教和道教中的某些修炼义理和方法在具有浓郁世俗精神的中国文化里存在、展的一种必然结果。
- When you because settle to lonely and live simply changenobly, you can see clearly that common custom filthy, gloomy, narrow,tiny, ignominious and are absurd. 当你因安于孤独和澹泊而变得高尚,你就会看清那世俗的污浊、阴暗、狭隘、渺小、可耻与荒唐。
- The modernity means the main body self-establishment, the common custom rational prosperous as well as perceptual esthetic “the rebellion”. 现代性意味着主体自我的确立、世俗理性的鼎盛以及感性的审美化“造反”。
- The belief and the legend of the Kitchen God are the outcomes of the common customs livings. She wholly reflects the exuberance and heterogeneousness of the Chinese folk culture. 灶神信仰和传说是民间世俗生活的产物,充分体现了中国民间文化的丰富和驳杂。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Circles numerously periphery in this in the common custom world, can learn with an ordinary heart to treat all, also is one kind of boundary. 在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。
- One kind of music guidance, one kind of emotion recollection, one kind of surmounting common custom leap, from dream start hope! 一种音乐的引导,一种情感的回忆,一种超越世俗的飞越,一个从梦起步的希望!
- In the enlightenment of Engels" religious view, the necessity that the writer believed in, religious common customs have done the discussion with the religion in pluralism. 在恩格斯宗教观的启示中,笔者就信仰的必要性、宗教世俗化与宗教多元化作了探讨。
- This is including regarding the traditional ponder, to thevanguard idea exploration, what but it faces is the common custom populace. 这其中包括着对于传统的思考、对时尚的追求、对前卫理念的探索,而它所面对的是世俗大众。