- common control signal 公共控制信号
- In a network, pertaining to devices, programs, or domains that are connected by a data link or that share common control. 在网络中,指由数据链路连接的或共享公共控制的设备、程序或区域。
- The other host of signal are control signals. 另一组信号是控制信号。
- The response of a terminal to remote control signals. 终端对远程控制信号的响应。参阅handshaking。
- This Common Control DLL also supports the Windows XP themes. 此公共控件DLL还支持Windows XP主题。
- Expands the control signal for parallel steam generators. 使用并联的蒸汽炉时可用此配件扩大控制讯号。
- Illustrates full row selection in a list-view common control. 阐释列表视图中公共控件中的整行选择。
- Allows direct access to the underlying common control. 允许直接访问基础通用控件。
- A control signal. 一个控制信号。
- Design Of Programme - controlled Signal. 程控信号发生器的设计。
- The simplest control customization is overriding a method on a common control. 最简单的控件自定义是重写公共控件的方法。
- Injector #2 output driver does not respond properly to the control signal. 喷嘴%232输出驱动器未对控制讯号作出正炒应。
- This member function allows direct access to the underlying common control. 该成员函数允许直接访问潜在的通用控件。
- Injector #output driver does not respond properly to the control signal. 喷油器%237输出驱动器没有正确地响应控制信号。
- For checking the evaluation device a control signal can be generated. 通过产生一个控制信号来检查核定设备。
- The main control cell adopt LPC936 singlechip, which offers the control signal. 其主控制单元采用LPC936单片机,提供控制信号。
- Table 3-25 is a truth table of the 8251 bus control signals. 表3-25是8251总线控制信号的真值表。
- The above should be demonstrated for data representing all of the most common control charts. 西格玛黑带应能示范所有最常用控制图的数据表现形式。
- Override your own properties, methods, and events on common controls. 在公共控件上重写您自己的属性、方法和事件。
- A logic element designed to act as either an adder or a subtracter in accordance with the control signal applied to it. 根据供给它的控制信号,或起加法器作用或起减法器作用的一种逻辑元件。