- common block list 公用块表
- Add recipients to the Recipient Block list. 将收件人添加到收件人阻止列表。
- The IP address is on an IP Block list. 该IP地址在IP阻止列表中。
- The IP Block List provider is used by the Connection Filter agent. IP阻止列表提供程序供连接筛选器代理使用。
- The IP Block list is used by the Connection Filter agent. IP阻止列表供连接筛选器代理使用。
- Change your font, allow and block list, away timer, and other preferences. 更改您的字体、允许和阻止名单、离开计时器及其他首选项。
- A common block of wood became a wonderful work of art through the careful and precise carving of this sculptor?. 一块平常的木头,经过这位雕刻家的精雕细刻,成了一件绝妙艺术品。
- An originating IP address matches an IP address or IP address range on the IP Block list. 来源IP地址与IP阻止列表中的IP地址或IP地址范围匹配。
- The Recipient Block list data is stored in the Edge Transport server instance of ADAM. 收件人阻止列表数据存储在ADAM的边缘传输服务器实例中。
- The domain name that the Connection Filter agent queries for updated IP Block List data. 这是连接筛选器代理用于查询更新的IP阻止列表数据的域名。
- Contact the IP Block List provider service and ask that your IP address be removed from their list. 联系IP阻止列表提供程序服务,要求将您的IP地址从其列表中删除。
- However, the concepts for adding IP addresses to the IP Allow list are the same for the IP Block list. 但是,向IP允许列表添加IP地址的概念与IP阻止列表相同。
- You can also specify a day and time when the IP Block list entry that you create will expire. 还可以指定所创建的IP阻止列表条目过期的日期和时间。
- The steps in this section specifically refer to adding IP addresses to the IP Block list. 本节中的步骤专门针对向IP阻止列表添加IP地址。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- Frequently, a single IP Block List provider can provide a list of IP addresses that covers all these spam threats. 通常,一个IP阻止列表提供程序可以提供涉及上述所有垃圾邮件威胁的IP地址列表。
- This section refers specifically to configuring IP Block List provider services. 本节专门针对配置IP阻止列表提供程序服务。
- If you want to view a specific IP Block list entry, use the Identity parameter to specify the configuration number. 如果要查看特定IP阻止列表条目,请使用Identity参数指定配置数字。
- This section shows an example of the status codes returned by most Block List providers. 此节显示大多数阻止列表提供程序返回的状态代码示例。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。