- Should We Abandon the Common Practice of Withholding Oral Anticoagulation in Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation? 对阵发性房颤患者是否应当废弃不予口服抗凝剂的常规做法?
- It is become a common practice of hackle steel strike no longer, and moving toward long period of order and stability. 不再是乱砍盗伐成风,而正走向长治久安。
- For his clan, the well-known scholars marked the common practice of Mr Xiahou to uphold culture and the family status gradually rose and scholarized. 对其家族而言,其名士化标志着夏侯氏门风逐渐尚文,门第逐渐士族化。
- The object of CMIC is to establish a common practice of creative music in China through the participation of the most interesting creative musicians in the world. 其目标是通过世界各地最富创意的音乐家的联合参与,构建起中国创意音乐的普及化实践。
- One of his long-term goals is the establishment of a common practice of creative music in China, drawing on the talent of the most interesting improvisers from around the world. 长期以来他有一个目标,就是使创意音乐在中国成为一种普遍的实践,并吸引来自世界各地的最优秀的即席音乐演奏人才。
- They next hit on a contrivance which enabled them,by turning a handle,to make one of the stones revolve upon the other; and this process,a little improved,is still the common practice of the East. 随后发明了一种装置,转动一个手柄便可使一块石头在另一块上面旋转,这一方法略加改进以后,仍为东方常用的办法。
- The techniques and practice of a midwife. 助产学,产科学助产士的技术及工作
- The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis. 催眠术引导睡眠的理论及实践
- Football betting encourages the idea of gambling. 足球博彩理念鼓励赌博。
- Providers of gambling and casino facilities. 娱乐场与赌场等设施的提供商。
- He washed his hands of gambling not long ago. 不久之前他金盆洗手,戒了赌博。
- The vicar gave a sermon on the evils of gambling. 教区牧师作了一次布道,宣讲赌博的危害。
- The art or practice of preparing food. 烹饪烹制食物的艺术或操作
- Lottery is also a form of gambling. 彩票也是赌博的一种形式。
- B: The impact of gambling on society. 赌博对社会风气的影响。
- The act or practice of cooperating. 合作合作的行为或实践
- Everyone decried his life of gambling. 每小我都训斥他的打赌生涯。
- common practice of jingnan intecllectual 江南士风
- He looked washed out after a night of gambling. 一夜豪赌过后,他看起来筋疲力尽。
- The theory and practice of aircraft navigation. 航空学飞机航行的理论与实践