- Commodity value must be carried in use value of the commodity. 商品价值必须以商品使用价值为载体。
- GNP is a reflection of the risen overall social commodity value when it has a proportional increase conditioned with a fixed price in that year. 以不变价格计算的当年国民生产总值按一定的比例增长 ,是对增加了的社会价值总量的反映
- The sociality, exchangeability and compensation of the abstract work form the properties of commodity value in the courses of production and exchange. 抽象劳动的社会性、补偿性和交换性在生产过程和交换过程中形成商品价值性质。
- Not any abstract work will form commodity value, but only the abstract work with sociality, exchangeability and compensation can form commodity value. 摘要不是任何抽象劳动都形成商品的价值,而是具有社会性、交换性和补偿性的抽象劳动才形成商品的价值。
- Delaying 7 d to harvest could improve the quality and storability of goldspur apple with high commodity value and economic benefit. 延迟7d采收,可提高金矮生苹果的品质,和耐贮性,果实商品价值和经济效益较高。
- Another meaning of the law of value refers to its co ordination of proportional development among various productive sectors rather than its determination of commodity value. 价值规律的“另一种意义”是指它调节各部门生产按比例发展的趋向。 而不是讲决定商品价值的问题
- Marx of no less than place character: "Commodity value jumps to golden body from merchandise system.Like me elsewhere has said, the adventruous that is commodity is bouncing. 正如马克思所言:“商品价值从商品体跳到金体上.像我在别处说过的,是商品的惊险的跳跃。
- During flowering-podding stage of sweet pea,applying K fertilizer could reduced the flower and pod drop and applying N fertilizer could improved the commodity value of pod. 在花荚期增施钾肥可以明显减少落花落荚,增施氮肥可以明显提高豆荚的商品性。
- In perectknowledge property right system, enterprise could monopolize technical patent which enterprise bought,this could form false social value in some time. When the patent is overdue, The commodity value willdrop. 在完善的知识产权制度下 ,企业对自己所购买的技术专利具有特殊垄断权 ,在相应的时期内会形成虚假的社会价值 ,在技术专利权过期后 ,则会使该商品价值量下降。
- A detailed analysis on the management concept of hydrocarbon reserves is made using qualitative analysis method and combining the reality of oil resource market on the basis of commodity value theory. 以商品价值理论为基础,结合石油资源市场的实际情况,采用定性分析方法,就油气储量的经营概念进行了详细的剖析。
- The sociality, exchangeability and compensation of the abstract work that form commodity value exist at the same time.They three are preconditions of each other and are closely related to each other. 形成价值的抽象劳动的社会性、交换性和补偿性同时存在,三者互为前提,相互联系。
- Thus there is no denying of the fact that the commodity value of the substance like ‘air’ and ‘eather’ is lesser than the other five elements of earth, water, fire, wood and metal. 因此,毫无疑问,“大气”和“太空”这类物质的商品价值比“土”、“水”、“火”、“木”和“金”这些物质的商品价值要小。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- May be the season for this commodity on our market. 五月份是这种商品在我方市场上销售的季节。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- I can take nothing you say at face value. 我不会把你说的话当真的。
- The experience gained will be of great value to us. 所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。
- Far from falling, the price of commodity go on rising. 非但没有下降,商品的价格还继续上升。