- The Concept of Commodity of Labor Force: The Category Which should be Established in Chinese Market Economics 劳动力商品:我国市场经济学应建立的范畴
- In view of lack of labor force, the sister is hesitating. 姐姐虽然怕顿珠走后家里没有劳动力。
- the commodity of labor force 劳动力商品
- commodity of labor force 劳动力商品
- The Marxism theory of labor force commodity is the rationale basis of the development of the labor economy. 马克思主义劳动力商品理论是劳务经济发展的理论基础。
- The form and nature of labor force dispatchment determine the nature of labor force dispatchment organization. 劳动派遣的样态和性质决定了派遣机构的性质。
- The possibility that majority of labor force will work at home is often discussed. 人们经常讨论大多数劳动力将会在家里工作的可能性.
- Because of China's big population base,the contradiction of the supply of labor force exceeding the demand will exist for a very long time to come. 由于中国人口基数大,劳动力供大于求的矛盾将在一个很长时期内存在。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- Labor force dispatchment organization has been gradually defined legally with the emergence of the phenomenon of labor force dispatchment. 摘要劳动派遣机构是随着劳动派遣这一特殊社会现象而在法律概念上逐步明确下来的。
- Because of China's big population base, the contradiction of the supply of labor force exceeding the demand will exist for a very long time to come. 由于中国人口基数大,劳动力供大于求的矛盾将在一个很长时期内存在。
- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- We use this model to explain the transferring rules and trends of labor force in the Occident, Latin American, LDCs, and China respectively. 还应用这个供求分析模型分别解释了西欧北美发达国家、拉丁美洲发展中国家、中国劳动力转移的不同规律和趋势。
- Reproduction of labor force becomes the root cause for oppressing the women and home is the main site for gender oppression. 劳动力再生产是妇女压迫的根源;家庭是性别压迫的主要场所。
- China's old planned economic structure featured the purchase and marketing of products in a unified way,planned allocation of capital,and the strict control of labor force. 中国旧的计划经济体制特征是:对产品统购统销、对资金计划调拨、对劳动力严格管制。
- These robots will save us a lot of labor. 这些机器人可以节省我们大量劳工。
- Comment on the Value Composition of Labor Force as Commodity 论劳动力商品的价值构成
- Deviate from Lewis" "rural surplus labor can provide unlimitedly" theory, the paper analyses and explains the opposite "short of labor force" phenomenon. 同时对新出现的“农村剩余劳动力可以无限供给”这一刘易斯理论基本假设相背离的“民工荒”问题进行了分析和阐述。
- Economy the change of policy of progress of open, technology, government, especially of labor force weakening is to bring about income not to play great reason place equably. 经济开放、技术进步、政府政策的改变 ,尤其是工会力量的削弱是导致收入不均等拉大的原因所在。
- The farm labor force is running down steadily. 农业劳动力正在不断减少。