- Legal Thinking on the Prohibition of Transferential Commodity House Presell 预售商品房禁止再转让的法律思考
- commodity house presell 预售商品房
- Does business business spread the formalities as commodity house? 买卖商铺跟商品房一样的手续?
- The 5 evidence that development business should examine when you are buying commodity house are all ready. 商品房你在买的时候要检查开发商的五证是否齐全。
- Welfare residence speaks the volume of quadrature, and commodity house pays attention to function and character more. 福利住宅讲求面积的大小,而商品住宅更注重功能和品质。
- Answer:ract of lukewarm state city makes public a sale on net of travel commodity house begin from March 1, 2007. 答:温州市实行商品房网上公开销售是从2007年3月1日开始的。
- This commodity housing district is in Beautiful surroundings. 这个商品房住宅区,环境优美。
- Hurry while the limited numBer of commodity houses still remain. 商品房数目有限,欲购从速
- The commodity housing development began to appear afterward. 后来商品房开发才开始出现。
- If acquire the commodity house of droit, build room, allow to appear on the market oneself trading room changes room, economy applicable room. 如取得所有权的商品房、自建房、准予上市交易的房改房、经济适用房等。
- La Ying marriage just takes a fancy to a front 4 years the two rooms with decorous, ventilated north and south the commodity house of two hall. 蓝莹结婚四年才看中一套朝向端正、南北通风的两室两厅的商品房。
- Our company has the discipline that fathers close to exacting to multiplying for nothing: Maiden it is not concessional and outer buy commodity house. 3、房子比男人忠心--打开门的一刹那,它永远是你早上离开的样子,不会像男人,早上还情意绵绵,夜晚眼神就盯上了别的漂亮美眉。
- Problem of commodity house empty buy, it is to perplex our country real estate at present, especially a when residential industry can grow continuously outstanding issue. 商品住宅空置问题,是目前困扰我国房地产业,特别是住宅产业可持续发展的一个突出问题。
- Commercial house preselling is a new system coming from in ninety decades.Relative to finished house sale, it belongs to unfinished house sale. 商品房预售是90年代初从香港引进的一项制度,相对于现房销售,属于期房性质。
- Room of the compensation that tear open change belongs to commodity estate, aglow skin " estate card " , can make over; Do not belong to commodity house, send green skin " estate card " , cannot make over. 拆迁赔偿房属于商品房地产的,发红皮《房地产证》,可以转让;不属于商品房的,发绿皮《房地产证》,不能转让。
- Basis " estate of Shenzhen special economic zone registers byelaw " thirtieth 6 regulation, only commodity house project handled estate initiative after registering, ability of small or petty proprietor is gotten smoothly " estate card " . 根据《深圳经济特区房地产登记条例》第三十六条的规定,只有商品房项目办理了房地产初始登记后,小业主才能顺利地领取《房地产证》。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- Control over the scale of loans to the construction of housing for low-income families and commodity housing will be lifted. 对安居工程和开发商品房的贷款,取消贷款规模的限额控制。
- The old farm has been split up into house lots. 这古老的农场已被划分为一块块的宅地。
- Commodity houses of our real estate company all face south. They are cool in summer and warm in winter. 本房产公司所有商品房,一律面南,冬暖夏凉。