- The commercial network spreads all over S.Korea , U.S.A. 销售网络遍及韩国、美国、日本等。
- Developers of commercial network management software are moving quickly to add browser interfaces to everything from routers to management frameworks. 商业网络管理软件的开发商们正快速行动,在把从路由器到管理框架的每样东西都加上浏览器接口。
- A new commercial network ---- 19347.3199. CC ---- global business network, the official opening, welcome your joining manager HAH! 一个全新的商业网----19347.;3199
- A new commercial network ---- 19347.3199. CC ---- global business network, SI the official opening, welcome your joining manager HAH! 留言内容:一个全新的商业网----19347.;3199
- And in most peasant homes, there was some form of handicraft industry that connected the rural family to a commercial network. 大部分的农家或多或少都会从事手工业,而这往往将农村家庭与商业网络串连在一起。
- Substantively, the USP is a kind of innovation network, it consists of social network, commercial network and professional network. 但实质上,大学科技园是一种创新网络,是由社会网络、商业网络和专业网络相互叠加所构成的网络组织环境。
- A new commercial network ---- 19347.3199. CC ---- global business network, the li official opening, welcome your joining manager HAH! 留言内容:一个全新的商业网----19347.;3199
- A multidimensional network traffic analysis system based on the NF-MDM has been implemented and applied to some kind of high-end commercial network traffic analysis equipments. 该模型用于分析网络流量时,角度更清晰,方式更灵活,已经应用在某高端商用网络流量分析设备中。
- In China, Infomedia has set up its own commercial network in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Kunming Our distributors abroad are Infosto, Futuvision, AEQ and Hong Kong DMT. 公司总部在北京中关村,包括数字技术公司、系统技术公司和电子技术公司,并在上海、广州、成都、昆明建立了办事处和客户服务中心。
- East Relievo has now already built up a complete and systematized commercial network in more than 30 provinces in China as well as Vietnam, Singapore, U.S, Russia and so on. 国内销往30个省市,出口越南、新加坡、韩国、美国、俄罗斯等十几个国家。
- Of the commercial networks abroad, ASON technology is mainly applied in the backbone network. 国外当前已经商用的网络中,ASON技术主要还是应用在骨干网上。
- For operators todeploy WiMAX wireless access commercial networks in China, there still are two major puzzles: frequency and cost. 对于运营商而言,在国内部署WiMAX无线接入的商用网络,还存在两个重要的困扰:频率和成本。
- Shenzhen Bowen Printing Tech. Co., Ltd. has developed a professional B2B and B2C technology commercialization network. 由深圳市博文印盟科技有限公司全力开发的一个专业B2B和B2C技术商业网。
- Guangzhou Assurance Manager Lu Gang strong real estate company, said : "A viaduct put the whole piece of commercial networks destroyed! 广州金盛房地产公司的副总经理吕帮强说:“一条高架桥就把整片商业网点毁掉了!”
- Reporters recently interviewed pop front, Dongxing Shun, and Zhongshan launched commercial networks MTR stations, shops bosses say "Road" links Choi Link. 记者近日采访了流行前线、东兴顺,以及中山四路地铁上盖的商业网点,商铺的老板都说“路”通财通。
- Commercial network running of retails 零售商业企业的网络化运营
- You can plug into the national computer network. 你可以接通全国计算机网络。
- She gave me a diagram of railway network. 她给了我一张铁路网图解。
- At first Reuters dealt with, commercial new. 最初路透社只办商业新闻。
- In a network, a route between any two nodes. 网络中任意两个网点之间的一段路由。