- Sale of commercial housing to the legality of acts? 商品房转预售行为是否合法?
- Commercial housing purchase procedures incomplete what risk? 购买手续不全的商品房会有什么风险?
- Being an important progress made in the estate market in China, to presell commercial houses is the product of the healthy development of market economy in China. 商品房预售方式的出现,是我国市场经济健康发展的产物,也是我国房地产市场运行过程中的一个重大进步。
- Commercial housing vacancy rate and what causes prices while vigor? 何种原因造成商品房空置率与房价同时高扬?
- The approved area as a pre-sale of commercial housing area basis. 经核准的面积作为预售商品房的面积依据。
- These apartments will be sold as commercial housing after the Games. 赛后这些公寓可像商品房那样出售。
- Whether super-alert commercial housing vacancy rate is about how one count? 是否超警戒争论不一商品房空置率到底怎么算?
- Annex III on the commercial housing decoration, equipment standards agreed. 附件三是关于商品房的装饰、设备标准的约定。
- Most commercial housing area is too great, the price too high, horrifying. 大多数商品房面积过大,价格过高,令人咋舌。
- Mr Cheung : April this year, I pay down 1 million for a commercial housing. 张先生:今年4月份,我交纳定金1万元,认购了一套商品房。
- Commercial housing vacancy rate is a real estate development lanterns "green. 商品房空置率是房地产开发的一盏“红绿灯”。
- The construction administrations under the People's Government of all provinces and autonomous regions shall have the right to regulate the sale of commercial houses within their own jurisdictions. 省、自治区人民政府建设行政主管部门负责本行政区域内商品房的销售管理工作。
- Controlling the price of urban commercial houses in central area and accelerating satellite city construction are effective ways to restrain the urban commercial house price. 控制城市中心区商品房价格与加速卫星城建设是平抑城市商品房价格的有效途径。
- The new calendar year commercial housing stock into tradeable Housing ranks to the secondary housing market to gradually increase the proportion of new houses. 历年的新建商品房进入可交易存量房行列,使二手房市场中次新房所占比例逐步增大。
- Monetizing housing allocation and Yigougongfang listed to the individual purchase of houses, commercial housing sales growth of 62% over the same period last year. 住房分配货币化和已购公房的上市带动了个人购房,商品房的销售比上年同期增长62%25。
- Real estate agent intermediary service agencies can not meet the conditions of sale of commercial housing sales? 房地产中介服务机构可以代理销售不符合销售条件的商品房吗?
- The houses were damaged by fire to the full. 那些房子全部被大火毁掉了。
- New houses are springing up all over the city. 新建筑物犹如雨后春笋般地出现在这座城市里。
- Any natural person having a complete civil capacity may apply for personal commercial housing loan to the bank. 具有完全民事行为能力的自然人可向银行申请办理个人商业用房贷款。
- These houses are exempt from paying rates. 这些房子是免付捐税的。