- commercial family farm 商业性家庭
- We have a small-time family farm, but we love the lifestyle. 我们的家庭式农庄小虽小,但是我们爱这种生活方式。
- Will entertained himself by driving backcountry to the family farm. 威尔惬意地驱车经过偏僻的乡村,向自家的农场驶去。
- We have a small time family farm,but we love the lifestyle. 我们的家庭式农庄小虽小,但是我们爱这种生活方式。
- We have a small-time family farm,but we love the lifestyle. 我们的家庭式农庄小虽小,但是我们爱这种生活方式。
- As the oldest son, I will get the family farm as a birthright. 我愿意做老大,我们家的农场就该归我。
- Owner Matt Mohrland, 32, has a 2,000-acre family farm in Allegan, Mich. 32岁的农场主马特摩尔兰德在密歇根州阿莱干拥有2000英亩的家庭族式农场。
- Doug and Tina Suhr have more than 100 milking cows on their family farm. 道格和蒂娜苏的家庭农场有超过100只奶牛。
- A farmer in Le Mars, Iowa, empties corn from a combine on his family farm. 爱荷华州勒玛斯的一个农民在把他家庭农场上联合收割机中的玉米倒出来。
- The small family farm is steeped in inefficiently and struggles just to survive. 小农场主陷于无效率的境况中,只为生存下去而苦苦挣扎。
- In fact, some observers assert that the small family farm is no longer viable in the United States. 事实上有些观察家指出,在美国小家庭农场已很难独立生存。
- We are like the young man who sold the old family farm,because he could see no future in owning it,and wandered the world seeking his fortune. 我们像那个把老家农场卖掉的年轻人,因为看不到拥有农场有什么前途,他便去闯荡世界寻找发财机会。
- To the website of commercial family status such as sina, Sohu, the greatest difficulty is covering advantageous position at lack, still be the platform that information reprints merely. 两起事件的背后推手都是地方政府官员,这也说明,只要高层的意图明确,那么基层官员并不缺乏革新的冲动,总有一些体制内的官员试图改革现有决策和监督机制的积弊。
- In Michigan at that time a middle-sized family farm would be at least 150 acres. 在那时的密执安,一个中型的家庭农场最少也得有一百五十英亩面积。
- Your father would turn over in his grave if he knew you were going to sell the family farm. 如果你父亲得知你要卖掉家族的农场,他一定会死不瞑目的。
- As he toddled round the run-down family farm in the hills near Cologne, he would hit things with it to see what sound they made. 当孩童的他蹒跚在科隆附近小山丘的破败家庭农场附件转悠时,他会用小木锤到处敲打东西,看它们会发出什么样的声音。
- Doug and Tina Suhr have more than one hundred 100 milking cows on their family farm. 道戈和蒂娜.;苏瑞在他们的农场有100多头奶牛。
- Instead of working on the family farm, young Henry went off to Detroit and became an engine-repairer. 年轻的亨利没有留在农场,承传父业,而是离家去了底特律,成为了一名发动机修理工。
- Such laws aided family farms in their struggle for existence. 这些法令对那些为生存而斗争的家庭农场来说是有帮助的。
- Doug and Tina Suhr have more than one hundred milking cows on their family farm. 在Doug和TinaSuhr的农场,他们有100多头的奶牛。