- He once worked as porter in a commercial bank. 他曾在一家商业银行当杂务工。
- Analysis of Commercial Bank's Bond Investment? 商业银行的债券投资:盛筵还是鸡肋?
- Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co.Ltd. 台北富邦银行。
- Qingdao City Commercial Bank Co. 中国青岛市商业银行。
- Ellen got the loan from a commercial bank. 艾伦从一家商业银行得到了贷款。
- Develop commercial banking for socialist construction. 发展国际商务事业,为社会主义建设服务。
- The commercial bank is willing to lend money to these customers. 这家商业银行愿意把钱贷给这些客户。
- Welcome to the Banking Department of the Commercial Bank. 欢迎光临商业银行营业部。
- Is there a disadvantage of borrowing from commercial bank? 向商业银行借贷的缺点是什么?
- The company is selling off its 15% stake in the Commercial Bank. 这家公司正在出售15%25的商业银行的股份。
- Industrial and commercial bank of china limited luxembourg s. A. 中国工商银行卢森堡有限公司。
- What do you do? I work in the First Commercial Bank. 我在第一商业银行工作。
- Please call me George. I work in the Commercial Bank. 叫我乔治吧。我在商业银行工作。
- WTO and Challenge to State-owned Commercial Banks? 国有商业银行如何应对WTO的挑战?
- Will Commercial Banks Wither Away? 商业银行会消亡吗?
- Commercial Banks in the Financial System of U.S.A. 美国金融体系中的商业银行。
- The drawee of a commercial bank shall be the acceptor. 商业汇票的付款人为承兑人。
- The Commercial bank fluidity attains again deregulates. 商业银行流动性再获松绑。
- CMB is currently the only commercial bank to have made a profit in the segment. 招行是国内目前唯一一个能在信用卡业务上赚得利润的银行。
- Commercial banks make few loans to minors and unauthorized persons. 商业银行很少对未成年人和未经授权者发放贷款。