- Commercial manager Rachel Tait puts that optimism down to something beyond equipment and strategy: It’s an attitude. 商业经理雷切尔泰特把这种乐观下降到一些超越设备和战略:这是一种态度。
- The basic task of sewage pipe net is to ingather and transport waste water to sewage managing equipment in due course, security and without any block. 污水管网的基本任务就是及时、安全、通畅地收集、输送污水到污水处理设施。
- Beijing-Sunlight League Commercial Management Co., Ltd. 北京晨曦同盟商业管理有限公司。
- Guangdong New Generation Commercial Management Limited B. 适用的公司、部门:.;广东新一代商务管理有限公司及其分支机构。
- USB interface connection management equipment, office help, you can set a password, and password to use your usb. 管理USB接口的连接设备,对办公室有帮助,可以设置密码,有密码才能用妳的usb。
- Managing equipment drawing and other documentation 设备图纸及其它资料的管理
- Work effectively with the Commercial Manager to ensure customer satisfaction is achieved. 有效地协助商务经理的工作确保客户满意。
- Fastest Growing FMCG, Business Week 500 Company Reckitt Benckiser is recruiting 2010 Commercial Management Trainee! 商业周刊500强利洁时公司2010营销管理培训生热招中!
- Discussion on the disconnection issues between the large-scale commercial real estate development and the commercial management. 试论大型商业地产开发与商业经营脱节问题。
- The surface evaporation of the extended meniscus liquid film in the microchannel driven by capillary force is the key process in heat sink and thermal management equipment. 毛细力驱动下微细通道内延展薄液膜的蒸发是很多高效热控和热沉装置的关键换热环节。
- Trophy hunting also occurs, and commercial management of wildlife has been introduced to gain sustained income from this resource. 另外,还出现了竞技狩猎,并对野生生物引入了商业化管理,以便从这一资源获取持续收入。
- He has long wanted to play abroad and recalled how Bayern commercial manager Uli Hoeness lured him to Munich four years ago from Bayer Leverkusen. 他一直向往着国外,回忆了当年拜仁商务总监霍内斯是怎样把自己从勒沃库森引诱到奥林匹克球场的,这其中就包括承诺让他在时机合适时到国外踢球。
- Beijing Hualian Group set up a nationwide chain of retail network, with leading Chinese commercial management of resources, goods, resources, brand and human resources. 北京华联集团建立了覆盖全国的连锁零售网络,拥有中国一流的商业管理资源、商品资源、品牌资源和人才资源。
- Born in the 80's, professional commercial manager of a foreign enterprise, part-time electronica song writer, singer and part-time personal jewelry designer. 水瓶座,外企商务经理,80后玩票电音唱作人,擅词曲人声,私人首饰设计师,创作方式:整合。
- Along with comprehensive product demonstration, the Florence CAC can provide customers with educational programs, conferences, custom product training and hands-on operation of advanced asset management equipment and plant control system software. 凭借在服务中心的全面的产品演示,该佛罗伦萨CAC为客户提供了教育学习计划、会议、客户产品培训与一手的先进资产管理装备的操作经验,以及工厂控制系统软件等。
- Case education is inchoative teach at MBA, popularize the undergraduate course teacher and student that uses at major of industrial and commercial management at present. 案例教学发端于MBA教育 ,目前推广应用于工商管理专业的本科教学。
- Mr Zhou Wenbiao is graduated from California university Bai Kelai to divide business school of school Ha Si, obtain master's degree of industrial and commercial management. 周文彪先生毕业于加州大学柏克莱分校哈斯商学院,获工商管理硕士学位。
- The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 新医院的全部设备需要一年才能装备好。
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- Economically, it is of commercialized management based on market operation. 经济上实行的是企业化经营、市场化运作。