- commanded pitch attitude 指令俯仰姿态,预定俯仰角
- When the desired attitude is reached, the elevators are faired and the air-plane maintains the new pitch attitude. 当达到希望的姿态时,升降舵再成流线型,飞机保持新的俯仰姿态。
- Moving the elevators out of their faired position causes the airplane to change the pitch attitude about the lateral axis. 移动升降舵离开它们的流线型位置,使得飞机改变水平轴上的俯仰姿态。
- This prevents the airplane slinking away from the pitch attitude you want if your attention is diverted from the instrument panel. 这防止飞机潜逃您要的沥青态度如果您的注意被牵制免受仪表盘。
- If you don't have a trim button on your joystick, you can use two keys on the number pad to trim the airplane for the proper pitch attitude. 如果您没有修剪按钮在您的控制杆, 您能使用二把钥匙在数字垫整理飞机为适当的沥青态度。
- pitch attitude protection [THETA PROT] 俯仰姿态防护
- Exactly as God had commanded him, so Noah did. 诺亚遵照上帝的话,一一办到了。
- She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch. 她已经把钢琴的音调升到音乐会的音高标准。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- The attitude of grownups has changed. 成年人的态度已有了转变。
- He asked for help in a suppliant attitude. 他以恳求的态度要我帮忙。
- The officer commanded his men to fire. 军官下令他的士兵开枪。
- The coach built the team up to a fighting pitch. 教练使全队振作起来,准备一搏。
- He has a mellow attitude to life. 他对生活有种成熟的看法。
- The pitcher tends to pitch the ball too high. 这个投球手常把球掷得过高。
- He undertook to defend this attitude. 他开始为这一态度辩护。
- His attitude is antipathetic to me. 他的态度使我反感。
- They that touch pitch will be defiled. 近墨者黑。
- The castle commanded the entrance to the valley. 该城堡控制著峡谷的入口。
- We planned to pitch our camps in the mountains. 我们计划在山里扎营。