- He was commander of allied forces in Europe. 是驻扎在欧洲的联盟部队的总司令。
- Douglas MacArthur(1880--1964), American general, commander of Allied forces in the south-west Pacific during World War II, and Commander of the occupation of Japan and of United Nations forces in Korea. 道格拉斯 - 麦克阿瑟(1880-1964),美军将领,二战中任西南太平洋地区盟军最高统帅,还担任过驻日本占领军司令员和朝鲜联合国部队司令员。
- command of allied forces 盟军司令部
- He did want to pour into Italy the maximum amount of Allied forces available in the Mediterranean. 他确实想要将地中海可运用的部队最大量地倾入意大利。
- This allows for an easy blitz of Allied forces to destroy bases or armies with ease. 这为盟军迅速轻松的摧毁基地和武装提供了便利。
- This is the first lion weighing 18 tons, it is said to commemorate the victory of allied forces in Europe, with French troops seized the guns from the casting. 这头雄狮重达18吨,据说是为纪念欧洲联军的胜利,用缴获的法国军队的枪炮熔铸而成的。
- We should be used to it by now. A new Hollywood war epic is released--and battles and incidents that historically were won by a combination of Allied forces have magically been transformed into American victories. 时到如今,我们应该习惯,一部新的好莱坞战争片上映时,历史上由同盟军赢得的战争或事件被魔术般地改变为美国的胜利。
- General White was in command of the army. 怀特将军统率那个军队。
- She has a good command of spoken English. 她的英语口语很熟练。
- One who is in charge or in command of others. 负责人管理或指挥其他人的人
- They supported the communications of the Allied Forces. 这些卫星保障了多国部队的通信畅通无阻。
- He laid the groundwork for a good command of French at high school. 他在中学里打下了很好的法文基础。
- Ensure the safety of the allied forces for the allotted time. 保护自己的地面力量直到时间结束。
- In World War II, General Lee was in command of the air force. 二战期间,李将军统率空军部队。
- A number of allied nations also will use the JSF. 很多盟国也将采用JSF。
- The High Command: the Supreme Command of the German Armed Forces. 德国武装力量最高指挥部的简称。
- The Allied Forces fought withGermany. 盟军跟德国交战。
- That autumn he was placed in command of a regiment. 那年秋天他被任命为团长。
- Together, the allied forces set off for Luoyang. 然后,这支盟军就向着洛阳进发。
- He is the commander of the expedition. 他是探险队的队长。