- Flashes, in his life or on the streets, bring him feelings and inspirations.Every time the shutter is pressed, the connection and order between the things and him will come into life in the photos. 他藉助于生活里,街头上的零碎片段所带来的感受与启发,去按下每一次快门,由此把个人与事物之间的连系和秩序都呈现在相片里。
- The profound change in choosing a partner is that the traditional agreed marriage by parents is abrogated and a new group of matchmakers comes into life. 择偶方式最显著的变化表现为废除了传统的“媒妁之言”,出现了新时期的婚姻介绍人群体。
- A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops. 大量廉价进口商品涌入商店。
- He come into the room with an air of importance. 他带著一副了不起的神情走进室内。
- The new car will come into use next month. 那辆新车将于下月开始使用。
- When do the new safety rules come into force? 新的安全规则何时生效?
- A new rule will soon come into being. 一个新规则很快就要出台了。
- When does the new law come into operation? 这项新法律何时生效?
- Peaches will soon come into season. 桃子不久即将上市。
- THe plant will come into bud in spring. 那种植物将在春天发芽。
- Soon the truck come into sight around a bend and on an upgrade. 不一会卡车就出现在一个拐弯和上坡处。
- She had a singular insight into life. 她对于人生有一个非凡的了解。
- The new schedule come into operation on June 1st. 新的日程表是从6月1日开始实行的。
- Now Max has come into everyone's life. 现在max走进了每个人的生活里 。
- After ten minutes the game exploded into life. 比赛在十分钟后突然激烈起来。
- When did this word come into common use? 这个词是什麽时候用起来的?
- In spring the countryside bursts into life. 乡村在春天生机盎然。
- When did the world come into being? 世界是什么时候形成的?
- The push of death has swung her into life. 死亡的推送把她摇晃活了。
- The trees come into leaf in spring. 春天,树木吐芽长叶。