- He wrote the powerful poem with a delicate touch. 他以神来之笔创作出雄浑的诗篇。
- He recited a poem with a frog in his throat. 他用略带沙哑的嗓音朗诵了一首诗。
- She signed the poem with her real name. 她在诗后署上了自己的真实姓名。
- You can't equate his poem with his plays. 你不能把他的诗和戏剧相提并论。
- Hans was reading the lyric poem with heart and soul. 汉斯带着强烈的感情读这首抒情诗。
- The young man recite his poem with a touch of pride. 那个青年带点骄傲地朗诵他的诗作。
- Trace to the Source of the Mergence of Yan Shu's ci poems with His Poems 晏殊诗词合流探源
- Shengshengman is the best-known ci poem of Li Qingzhao, the most outstanding poetess of the Song dynasty. 摘要自古传称,词为诗余。诗求雅求韵,词又何尝不是。李清照说;“词别是一家”,也就是说,词在文学中是另一种学问。
- This is a fine poem with many figurative expressions. 这是一首好诗,其中有很多比喻。
- It is been watched recently that the feature of region of Ci poem in Qing Dynasty,but not the Ningbo authors of Ci poem. 清词的地域性特色近年来深受关注,而清代四明词人的系统研究至今无人问津。
- I would love to burn my poem with immortalized love. 我愿用永生之爱,燃烧我的诗句。
- This essay analyses the capacity of implicating of Nalan's style of Ci and further the melancholic senses and notions in his Ci poems about frontier and those that depict material things. 本文将着重论证其词风的这种兼容性,并进一步分析其边塞词及咏物词所蕴含的哀愁意蕴。
- Haiku is a structured short Japanese poem with 17 syllables. 俳句是以十七个音为一首的一种日本短诗。
- The young man recited his poems with a touch of pride. 那个青年带点骄傲地朗诵他的诗作。
- This thesis tries to clear the development clue of Ningbo Ci poem through the works from every period,to show the personality of the Ningbo literature in Qing Dynasty. 现试图通过对各个时期词人词作的梳理,整理出清代四明词较为清晰的发展脉络,张扬宁波文学的个性特色。
- You can't equate his poems with his plays. 你不能把他的诗跟剧本相提并论。
- Grandpa gave me a collection of tunes of ci poems and I treasure it very much. 爷爷送给我一本词谱, 我非常爱惜。
- So please enjoy their poem with music called The poem for Our Alma Mater. 乙:请欣赏配乐诗朗诵《献给母校的诗》。
- You cannot equate his poems with his plays. 你不可以把他的诗歌和他的剧本相提并论。
- The systematic dissertations is about the poem, Ci poem and articles of Han Yuanji, and the poem, Ci poem and anthology of Han Biao, including the analysis of contents and feature. 三、四章侧重于文本研究,逐一系统地剖析论述了韩元吉与韩淲的词、诗、文等文学创作特征。