- combined civil with war 平战结合
- T he skies of Coruscant blaze with war. 科洛桑的天空闪耀着战争之火。
- In general,the European Countries were disgusted with war. 一般说来,欧洲国家都厌战。
- Earnshaw was not to be civilized with a wish. 恩萧不是靠一个愿望就能文质彬彬起来的。
- I donned a Red Cross uniform to work with war amputees at Walter Keed Hospital. 我披上红十字会制服,在华特里德医院里为断臂残肢的伤兵服务。
- The state of salt production was more compex comparing with war before. 战时的食盐生产显然较战前复杂得多。
- U.N. human rights team is accusing Sudan's government of direct involvement with war crimes in Darfur. 联合国一个人权小组指责苏丹政府直接捲入达尔富尔地区的战争罪行。
- To the south, sedentary cities and civilizations with all their riches evolved. 在长城以南、定居的城市、文明和财富逐渐发展起来。
- Today, with war in an energy chokepoint provoking yawns from traders, sentiment has clearly turned. 如今,交易员对一个能源枢纽爆发战争不屑一顾,可见市场人气明显发生了转变。
- the criminal action combined civil action 附带民事诉讼
- Combined Civil Affairs Task Force 联合民事特遣部队
- People who do not admit,do not know,or do not want to know that China's revolutionary war has its own characteristics have equated the war waged by the Red Army against the Kuomintang forces with war in general or with the civil war in the Soviet Union. 不承认、不知道、或不愿意知道中国革命战争有其特点的人,把红军对国民党军队的作战,看做和一般战争相同,或和苏联内战相同。
- Let us see meretricious line of business again " in order to fill civil with " effect. 再让我们来看看娼妓业“以充文用”的功效。
- Many soldiers went under in the Civil War. 许多士兵在内战中阵亡。
- An average english house combine all the curse of civilization with the vicissitude of life in the open. 一个普通的英国家庭,是把文明的所有一切祸根与人生的沉浮结合在一起的。
- Peaceful wave city has two airports at present (civil with warplane field) , still have a responsible Huadong the land navigation stage of 5 airports. 宁波市目前有两个机场(民用和军用机场),还有一个负责华东五个机场的地面导航台。
- In sum, theory must be combined with practice. 总之,理论必须同实践相结合。
- What with war and what with famine,the populace at large were caught between two fires. 又是打仗又闹饥荒,平民百姓处于水深火热之中。
- And we will not allow any terrorist or tyrant to threaten civilization with weapons of mass murder. 我们不会允许恐怖分子和暴君用大规模的屠杀行为威胁人类的文明。
- They are the victims of the civil war. 他们是内战的受害者。