- combined operation manner 组合术式
- The two groups now run their business as a single combined operation. 两个集团现作为一个单一的联合企业经营业务。
- Objective To explore the treatment of children congenital idiopathic clubfoot with combined operation. 摘要目的探讨联合手术方法治疗小儿先天性马蹄内翻足。
- Objective To study the effect of the hepatic segmental resection(HSR) with combined operation for hepatobiliary calculus. 目的探讨肝段(叶)切除联合手术治疗肝内胆管结石的效果。
- Methods Reviewable summary for 50 cases of anesthesia to combined operation of URSL and PCNL.by CSEA and Epidural Black Anesthesia With Double Conduit. 方法对50例采用腰-硬联合、硬膜外两点阻滞法完成URSL及PCNL联合手术麻醉回顾性总结。
- The clinical feature and operating manner of ora serrata dialysis and retinal detachment in 50 cases (53 eyes)were reported. 报告50例(53眼)锯齿缘断离视网膜脱离的临床特点与术式。
- Objective To study the effects of combined operation of repair anterior segment of traumatic eyes,cataract extraction and IOL implantation. 目的探讨眼前段损伤修复、外伤性白内障摘出并人工晶状体植入联合手术的可行性。
- Objective To investigate the clinical feature,diagnosis and operative manner of perforated gastric cancer. 目的探讨胃癌穿孔的临床特点、诊断方法及手术方式。
- Objective To evaluate the effects of combined operation on prehepatic portal hypertension(PHT)caused by cavernomatous transformation of portal vein(CTPV)in childhood. 目的评估联合手术治疗儿童门静脉海绵样变性引起的肝前性门静脉高压症的疗效。
- Conclusion Combined operation of hepatectomy with splenectomy is an ideal and effective treatment for complex intrahepatolithiasis with biliary liver cirrhosis. 结论对复杂肝内胆管结石同期行肝叶切除及脾切除门奇断流术是可行的。
- Early diagnosis and selection of surgery time and correcting operative manner are the key factors to improve the effect of therapy on fecal peritonitis. 结论粪性腹膜炎患者病情危重、易误诊,早期诊断、把握手术时机及正确的术式选择是提高本病治疗效果的关键。
- Conelusion Combined operation may effectively reduce postoperative rebleeding rate in PHT cases and MCS is a relatively ideal method for treating rebleeding. 结论联合手术能有效减少门静脉高压术后再出血,MCS是目前治疗再出血较理想的手术方式。
- We developed the entire software by VC++6.0 under Windows operating system.Its has friendly graphic user interface,fiexible operating manner,and powerful data processing function. 软件采用了传统的Windows中文用户界面,以对话框和属性页的形式对参数设定,非常简单易用。
- Conclusion combined operation can decreas the injury in comparison with seperate procedures,and can increase the rate of postoperative infection and postcapsular opacity. 结论联合手术可减少多次手术对伤眼的损伤,不会增加术后感染和后囊混浊的发生率。
- Objective To investigate the clinical effect of combined operation of intertrochanteric osteotomy in the treatment of advanced development displasia of hip. 目的探讨股骨转子间截骨联合术式治疗晚期髋关节发育不良的临床效果。
- Keywords hoister;operation manner;improve; 提升机;运行方式;改进;
- Since different types of criminal culture gestate different modes of criminal prevention and control, the guiding idea, theoretical foundation, operational manner and system of which differ under the disparate culture. 不同类型的刑法文化孕育出不同的犯罪预防控制模式,不同类型的刑法文化中犯罪预防控制的指导思想、理论依据、所采用的方式、体系也是不同的。
- Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of combined operation with levator palpebra resected and supervior rectus elevated and suspended on congenital ptosis and supervior rectus less-function. 摘要目的评价上睑提肌缩短加上直肌提吊术治疗先天性上睑下垂合并上直肌功能不全所致下斜视的疗效。
- During the high-loading period in summer, the vacuity of condenser in No.2350? MW unit of Sanhe Power Generation Company was low so that the spare vacuum pump was taken into combined operation. 三河发电公司2号350mw机组在夏季大负荷时,凝汽器真空度低,甚至造成备用真空泵联动。
- Study of modern warfare and of combined operations by the various services and arms should also be included in the training. 部队训练还包括现代化战争知识、诸军兵种联合作战的内容。