- combination standard gage 万能塞规
- combination standard gauge 万能塞规
- Wipe off any oil and dust from the measuring faces and the standard gage faces with a soft lint-free cloth. 用不含麻的软抹布擦除标准计量器和测量计表面的所有的油渍和灰尘.
- In respect of layout-design of combined standard designs, the combination as a whole shall meet the requirement of the foregoing clause. 受保护的由常规设计组成的布图设计,其组合作为整体应当符合前款规定的条件。
- According to these effect factors, the combined standard uncertainty and expanded uncertainty of pulse width measurement are evaluated. 结合这些影响因素,评估了脉宽测量的合成标准不确定度和扩展不确定度。
- The individual wires used in making up a stranded conductor are not required to correspond to any particular AWG or other standard gauge size. 绞合导体中的单支线不要求符合某一美国线规或者其他标准线规尺寸。
- The presented method can be used widely,and it does not be affected by relativity and differentiability.The combined standard uncertainty can be obtained through programing. 该方法适用范围广,不受相关性、可微性的限制,通用性强,而且可以通过编程实现不确定度的合成。
- ROC analysis showed the sub curve area of the combined standard was biggest, followed by the morphologic one and curve type one in sequence, with the Az values 0. 967, 0. 963 and 0. 908, respectively. 三种判定标准的评定结果经ROC曲线分析,采用结合形态学及动态增强时间一信号强度曲线标准AZ值最大,其次分别是形态学标准,动态增强时间一信号强度曲线标准,其AZ值分别是0.;967。 0
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- We tried it in every conceivable combination. 我们把能想到的各种组合都试了一遍。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。
- These players made a very good combination. 这些球员们配合得很好。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。
- He had forgotten the combination of the safe. 他忘记了保险箱密码。
- A can like this is considered below standard. 这样的罐头认为是不合格的。
- A combination of two or more elements or parts. 复合物由两种或多种元素或部分构成的混合物
- Their work is not up to standard. 他们的工作成绩不够标准。
- The harmonic combination of these tones. 四度和音音调的和谐组合