- combination of internal forces 内力组合
- A combination of internal and external factors caused the company to close down. 内外因结合导致了公司的倒闭。
- The joint is the weakest area of steel frame for fire-resistant.Change of internal forces of the unfired components is obvious after fire occuring. 梁柱节点是钢框架抗火的薄弱环节,火灾发生后非受火构件的内力也会发生较大的变化。
- The influence of support settlement and temperature change is dicussed in the paper, the internal force diagr am of different combination of loads is also given. 文中还对支座沉陷、温差影响等非荷载应力作了计算说明,最后给出了荷载各组合内力汇总表。
- The cause and pathogenesis covered three stages:The period of exopathic wind,endogenous wind and combination of internal and external wind. 唐宋以前对中风的病因病机的认识,主要以“外风”立论。
- This combination of two different principles of internal fixation in a single implant is one of the main advantages of the LCP. 两种不同内固定原理在同一钢板结合是LCP主要优点之一。
- Work-energy theorem for systems; for rigid bodies, internal forces do no work; energy in gravitating systems; models of internal energy; energy diagrams; equilibria and stability; small oscillations around equilibrium. 系统内的功能原理;对于刚体,内力不做功;在重力系中的能量;内能的模型;能量示意图;平衡态与稳态;在平衡态附近的小振动。
- He had forgotten the combination of the safe. 他忘记了保险箱密码。
- By use of the continuous conditions between adjoining sections,ge- neral formulas of internal forces and displacements are derived and the prob- lem finally becomes to solve a simultaneous linear equations with two unk- nowns. 然后给出每一小段用初参数表示的解,再利用各段之间的连续条件,给出内力与位移的一般表达式,并最后将问题归结为一个二元一次方程组的求解。
- In this paper, mechanical analysis of over lap section of yieldable steel ribs is made.It describes how to deal with the overlap sections in calculation of internal forces in the support. 本文根据地下结构的特点,着重对可缩性金属支架的搭接段进行力学分析,并提出了在支架内力计算中搭接段的处理方法;
- A combination of two or more elements or parts. 复合物由两种或多种元素或部分构成的混合物
- Analysing the character of internal forces of anchor cable frame by Winkler model,and verifying it by field test,a calculation method is put forward based on elastic foundation beam. 利用Winkler地基模型分析锚索框架的受力特征,并通过现场试验加以验证,提出锚索框架的弹性地基梁计算模式。
- The harmonic combination of these tones. 四度和音音调的和谐组合
- Taking an actual project for example,the calculation of internal forces of a large diameter silo under different working conditions according to cylindrical shell theory is described in detail. 通过工程实例,介绍大直径筒仓按圆柱壳体理论计算不同工况的内力,计算方法简便实用,同时对不均匀堆煤的影响作了分析,可供设计参考
- A combination of factors led to her decision to resign. 综合各种因素之後她决定辞职。
- The ingenious combination of internal focus and zero focus enables the permeability of the former and the complementarity of the latter to make a difference in the narrative effect. 小说将内聚焦与零聚焦巧妙地进行搭配,使前者的渗透性和后者的整合性有机结合、优势互补,叙事效果发生了奇妙的变化。
- To our country's enterprises,COSO risk management framework has certain significance of inspiring and using for reference in the effective combination of internal auditing and risk management. COSO风险管理框架对我国企业在内部审计与风险管理的有效结合上具有一定的启发和借鍪意义。
- Through analysis of the load system on frame beams, the calculation method of internal force and main design parameters are introduced. 通过对锚索框架梁受力体系的分析,介绍框架梁的内力计算方法和锚索的主要参数设计。
- A unit of internal capacity of a ship equal to 100 cubic feet. 装载吨船舶内部容积单位,等于一百立方英尺。
- From the point of internal force and deformation, the influence of girder joint scheme of side span on construction control is discussed. 从受力与变形角度讨论了边跨合龙方案对连续梁桥施工控制的影响。