- combinable frequency hopping 混合跳频
- Fast frequency hopping avoids interference. 快速跳频避免干扰。
- Spread spectrum has two distinct flavors: direct sequence and frequency hopping. 该技术有两个明显的变型:直接顺序与跳频。
- Frequency agile radar synthesis detection unit works in frequency hopping state in RF band. 频率捷变雷达综合测试仪工作在射频段捷变状态。
- Includes Advanced Frequency Hopping technology to better co-exist with WiFi networks. 包含高级频率跳跃技术,可以与WiFi网络更好地并存。
- An acquisition method of frequency hopping signal in a TDMA system is presented in this paper. 本文提出一种时分多址跳频信号的捕获方法。
- Fast frequency hopping avoids interference Adaptive output power minimizes interference Short data packets maximize capacity during interference. 快速跳频避免干扰可变的电源输出使干扰减小到最小采用短数据包传输增强抗干扰能力。
- Meanwhile, synchronization is also the difficulty of the development of FH system, which needs supplicated design especially in the fast frequency hopping(FFH). 同时跳频同步也是跳频通信系统开发的难点,特别在高跳速工作时实现同步捕获和跟踪需要精心设计方案。
- The performance of Turbo coded optical fast frequency hopping CDMA network(FFH OCDMA) using binary PPM modulation(BPPM) was analyzed. 在不考虑噪声和仅考虑散粒噪声两种情况下 ;分析了 Turbo码对二进制脉冲位置调制( BPPM)的快跳频光码分多址 ( FFH OCDMA)系统性能的影响 ;并对该系统进行了数值模拟 .
- The main work of this paper is realizing a self-adaptation frequency hopping station adapting to new military requisition. 本文的工作就是在软件无线电的架构下实现一种适应现代军事新要求的自适应跳频电台。
- A new chaotic spread spectrum communication system FFH-FMDCSK is presented, which is based on FMDCSK and fast frequency hopping techniques. 本文提出一种基于差分混沌频率调制(FMDCSK)的快速跳频扩谱通信系统(简称FFH-FMDCSK)。
- The paper deals with how to achieve Frequency-synthesis Technology of Frequency Hopping Communication System based on FPGA. 摘要文章探讨了一种基于FPGA的跳频通信系统频率合成技术实现方案。
- Synchronization of frequency hopping is achieved by adopting a method combined synchronization-head and time of day(TOD). 采用同步字头和时间信息TOD相结合的方法实现跳频同步。
- Differential frequency hopping (DFH) is a new kind of spectrum spread communication technique owing to the G function algorithm. 摘要差分跳频是一种新的扩展频谱通信技术,它主要归结于一种G函数算法。
- Differential frequency hopping(DFH) is a new kind of spectrum spread communication technique owing to the G function algorithm. 差分跳频是一种新的扩展频谱通信技术,它主要归结于一种G函数算法。
- In order to enhance security of underwater communication, a method to realize the pattern of frequency hopping is proposed. 为了提高水声通信的保密性能,提出了一种简洁的混沌跳频图案实现方法。
- On the basis of introducing the basic principles of DFH, the process of frequency hopping is modeled as the homogeneous Markov chain. 本文在介绍差分跳频基本原理的基础上,将差分跳频的频率跳变过程建模成齐次马尔可夫链。
- FFH-OFDM combines fast frequency hopping (FFH) with regular OFDM symbols, and it shows better performance in anti-fading of time-varying multi-path. 摘要快速跳频正交频分复用(FFH-OFDM)在常规的OFDM符号中加入快速跳频预编码矩阵(FFH),使其在多径时变的衰落环境下具有良好的抗衰落性能。
- Uses packet switching protocol based on frequency hop scheme with 1600 hops/s to enable high performance in noisy radio environments . 在无线电噪声环境里,利用基于每秒1600跳跳频表的分组交换协议可以提高系统性能。