- Being a combat sport, karate carries with it the risk of injury. 作为一项格斗运动,空手道有受伤的风险。
- Combat sports such as karate and judo carry with them the risk of injury. 像空手道和柔道之类的搏击运动有受伤的危险。
- Wushu athletes in our country have exceptional strength in combat sports. 我国的武术运动员在棍术项目上实力出众。
- In their survey, the anthropologists analyzed the results of four combat sports at the summer games: boxing, tae kwon do, Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling. 研究者们认为,同样,在体育比赛中,红色也能够在潜意识上对竞争对手产生威慑作用,尤其当竞争双方的技巧和力量都不相上下时。
- In their survey, the anthropologists analyzed the results of four combat sports at the summer games: boxing, kickboxing, Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling. 人类学家们分析了雅典奥运会4个项目的体育比赛结果,这些项目分别是拳击、跆拳道、摔跤、自由式摔跤。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。
- Volleyball is a sport of which I am very fond. 排球是我很喜欢的运动。
- This sport jacket will match those pants nicely. 这件运动衫和那条短裤很相配。
- He is an expert in unarmed combat. 他是徒手格斗的能手。
- Aerobatics is a dangerous sport. 特技飞行是危险的运动。
- The hunting group had good sport today. 今天打猎小组满载而归。
- My brother wants to buy a sport jacket. 我弟弟想买一件运动衫。
- The sport of gymnastics is popular in our country. 体操运动在我国很流行。
- He resolved to combat with his bad habits. 他决意与自己的坏习惯搏斗。
- Drastic measures were taken to combat inflation. 已采取激烈措施对付通货膨胀。
- Football is our most popular spectator sport. 足球是最受我们欢迎、最能吸引观众的一项运动。
- A combat aircraft designed to carry and drop bombs. 轰炸机一种设计用于运送和投掷炸弹的飞机
- Do you think football is an exciting sport? 你认为足球是一种激动人心的运动吗?
- Volleyball is my favorite sport. 排球是我最喜欢的运动。
- The conversation gravitated to sport. 谈话的内容转到了运动方面。