- Phew! There's nothing like sand for your ballasting needs! 哟!再没沙子这样好的压舱物了!
- Also has this day of sunlight, in the sunlight like sand you. 还有这天的阳光,阳光中的如沙子般的你们。
- Promote Application of Mechanical Sand Barrier Afforest Technology in Wushen Banner. 机械沙障在乌审旗造林中的推广应用。
- He rained meat down on them like dust, flying birds like sand on the seashore. 他降肉,像雨在他们当中,多如尘土,又降飞鸟,多如海沙
- The soil under the humus is not dark. This lighter soil is rather like sand; It is made of bit of rock. 腐殖上下面的土壤并不黑,这种浅色土壤很像沙子,它是由碎石变成的。
- The polycations with positively charged group in the macromolecule main chain, comb like polymers with cationic group in the side chain, and polyampholytes are described . 水溶性阳离子和两性聚电解质已成为许多工业部门的重要材料和外加剂。
- To dry the crop in the sun, A big patio is set up, To spread the coffee in waves, Like sand in beautiful shades. 在太阳下暴晒咖啡果,腾出宽阔的院落,咖啡波浪般铺开,如色彩斑驳的美丽沙粒。
- Most of the land below looked like sand, though Dad told me it is greener than you think. 下面的土地看起来绝大部分像沙子,可是父亲告诉我地面上比人所想像的要绿些。
- Snow whirled around us in bitter, blinding squalls, hissing like sand, and still we skied. 四周雪花乱舞,发出沙子一样丝丝的响声,我们还在滑雪。
- The Xues in their affluence, are so rich and grand, gold is like iron to them, and pearls like sand. 丰年好大“雪”,珍珠如土金如铁。紫微舍人薛公之后,现领内库帑银行商,共八房。
- The Hedysarum laeve sand barriers 杨柴沙障
- Sometimes,no matter how hard I tried,time flowed though my fingers like sand in an hourglass,never enough. 有时候,不管我怎么努力,时间像沙漏里的沙子一样从我的手指间流走,似乎永远不够用。
- Straw-checkerboard sand barriers paving robot 草方格铺设机器人
- Defilements are like sand bars or stumps in a river that will keep our boat from getting to shore. 杂染好比河中的沙洲与暗桩,它们会阻碍我们的船靠岸。
- A relationship is like sand held in your hand,so how do you deal with?hold lossely or tightly &possessively? 一个人本来就很快乐呀,但是分享快乐与别人是更大的快乐!
- Sometimes no matter how hard I.tried, time flowed through my fingers like sand in an hourglass, never enough. 有时候,不管我怎么努力,时间还是像沙漏里的沙子一样从我的指间里流走,似乎永远不够用。
- alive Salix gordejevii sand barrier 黄柳活沙障
- My symptom is there is in earlobe a thing, have have greatly small, be like rice greatly to be like sand smally, and do not ache, be tumor excuse me? 我的症状是耳垂里有一颗颗东西,有大有小,大的如米小的如沙,且不疼,请问是肿瘤吗?
- Angustifolia have red, yellow flesh, but may jujube jujube small, flowering between April or May each year, light aroma, and its white flesh like sand. 沙枣有红、黄肉色,似大枣但比大枣小,每年四五月间开花,香气袭人,其肉白似沙。
- She wore a small comb as an ornament. 她佩戴了一把小梳子作为装饰品。