- Color flags added to the gaiety of the festival. 彩旗增加了节日的欢乐。
- This draws a waving colored flag, that undulates its way around the screen. 绘制一面飘展的彩旗,在屏幕上四处飘动。
- You no longer see colored flags in the Mail view. 邮件视图中不再显示彩色标志。
- Colored flags are fluttering in the wind. 彩旗迎风招展。
- Agency of new bank of big lake city village of foliaceous door village appoint the colored flag before meeting office building is flying, lively and unusual. 洪湖市新堤办事处叶家门村村委会办公楼前彩旗飘扬,热闹异常。
- While you are changing the tire, you have to keep your hazard lights blinking or have a friend wave a brightly colored flag to warn other cars that you are there. 你在换胎时,警示灯必须持续开着,或者请朋友挥舞一面色彩鲜艳的旗子,警告其他来车你们在那里。
- Right-click the message that you want to flag, point to Follow Up, and then click the color flag you want to use to indicate important. 右键单击要对其进行标记的邮件,指向“后续标志”,然后单击要用于指示重要性的颜色标记。
- Bundled against the cold beneath a highway overpass on a busy Beijing intersection, traffic warden Zhao Delong waved his colored flag in frustration at the new silent killer stalking city streets. 隆冬时节的北京,在一处立交桥下繁忙的路口旁,穿得严严实实的交通协管员赵德龙(音)正徒劳无功地挥舞着手中的彩旗,试图让电动自行车这种新型马路杀手在路上行驶得规矩些。
- To help you keep track of what each colored flag means, you might find it useful to add a text label to the colored Quick Flags that you use. 您可能会发现向您所使用的彩色“快速标志”添加文字标签非常有用,这有助于您分清每个彩色标志的含义。
- The students held colorful flags to greet the foreign guests. 学生们手执彩旗欢迎外宾。
- 1.a colored flag; a colourful banner; 2.bunting 彩旗
- The authorities gave orders to deck the streets with colorful flags. 当局命令用彩旗装扮街道。
- Colored flags, scrolls, and balloons installed on publicly owned positions, or positions owned by the business itself or by other persons. 利用公共、自有或者他人所有的阵地设置的彩旗、条幅、气球等。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Color flags of many nations, Fluttering towards the wind, Foreign language and capital, Pouring into China like flood. 万国彩旗,迎风招展,外语外资,涌入中华。
- Supporters waving colored flags and banners turned out in Tehran's Vali Asr square for an election victory rally by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. 支持者挥舞着彩色的旗帜和横幅聚集在德黑兰瓦里埃瑟广场上,参加伊朗总统马哈茂德.;艾哈迈迪内贾德的胜选集会。
- Amid salvos, colored flags, magnesium light and the deafening sound of drums and gongs, dignified guests on the rostrum laid the cornerstone for the Center. 在震天锣鼓与礼炮声中,在猎猎彩旗和频频闪光灯中,主席台上贵宾共同为博格华纳中国技术中心铲土奠基。
- The hat was decorated with colored beads. 那顶帽子上饰有彩色珠子。
- Seen fluttering colorful flags, colored business slogans, banners fluttered in the breeze. 只见彩旗飘扬,各色商家标语、条幅迎风招展。
- Villagers came to help put up flagpoles for the village school athletic meet, tacking on colorful flags. 村校联运时,村民自动竖起旗竿,然后挂上万国旗。