- The basic color terms in Chinese can be collocated with nouns or verbs and modified by phrases with their denotative meanings retained or lost. 摘要现代汉语言语实践中,基本颜色词能与所有名词或动词组合,可以受词组或短语修饰,其色彩语义或保留或消失。
- Since anthropologist B. Berlin and linguist P. Kay co?wrote "Basic Color Terms" in 1969, the book has turned out to be a classic work on color terms for more than half a century. 自1969年美国的人类学家伯林和语言学凯家合著《基本颜色词》以来,这本书成为半个多世纪研究颜色词的经典作品。
- There are bunches of color terms in the vocabularies of different countries.They all have deep cultural connotations, besides their literal denotations. 在各种语言词汇里有大量的颜色词,除了表达颜色本意之外,它们有更深刻的文化内涵。
- A Cross-cultural Study of Basic Color Terms 基本颜色词价值取向的跨文化研究
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- English and Chinese basic color terms 英汉基本色彩词
- Its scientific name is flatus or flatulence, but the English language has an impressive range of colorful terms to describe the explosive emission of digestive gas. 屁的学名是“肠胃胀气”或是“肠胃气胀”,不过英语里有一套令人印象深刻的生动说法来形容这种消化气体的爆发。
- Comparing Chinese and Western Cultural Connotation of Color Terms 汉英颜色词文化内涵对比分析
- The absence of color in that drawing make it dull. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。
- The color of her dress suits her very well. 她衣服的颜色很适合她。
- Children like seeing the color television. 孩子们喜欢看彩色电视。
- Flowers are blooming in a riot of color. 百花齐放,万紫千红。
- This is a sort of indeterminate color. 这是一种说不清的颜色。
- She loved the life, noise, and color of the market. 她爱市场上的生趣、喧哗与多姿多彩。
- What color is copper sulphate solution? 硫酸铜溶液是什么颜色?
- On Color Compounds Composed of Basic Color Terms in Chinese 现代汉语基本颜色词组合情况考察
- A Prototypical Analysis of the Sematic Fuzziness in Color Terms 颜色词语义模糊性的原型描述
- My room was decked with a lot of color bulbs. 我的房间装饰了很多彩灯。
- Blue is a very becoming color on me. 我穿蓝色衣服非常适合。
- I have get a spool of color film. 我有一卷彩色胶卷。