- The image processing of samples were carried out to get color histograms and corresponding color mean, and effects of the method were explained with certain value. 对样品进行图像处理,得到色彩直方图和色彩均值,用确切的数值说明保鲜方法的保鲜作用;
- The method includes three aspects: color combination on the basis of color meaning scheme, Modulating color on the basis of systematic space of product, and color accommodation of multitude product on the basis of mold-block design. 在方法上主要是:基于色彩语义空间的产品配色、基于产品系统空间的产品色彩调整和基于模块化的大众产品色彩适应。
- The Color of Love Knowing what roses' colors mean is a very important thing as each color conveys a very different message. 不同颜色的玫瑰代表着不同的含义,知道玫瑰颜色的含义对于送玫瑰来说是一个非常重要的事情。
- All they need, they think, is to know what the color means and how it helps or harms. 只要他们认为这是手段,知道如何帮助或彩色危害。
- In his view, Tang white film and her debut in similar temperament, but the women of color means to deepen. 他认为,唐晓白的这部作品和她的处女作在气质上类似,但女性色彩的意味加深。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The absence of color in that drawing make it dull. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。
- It owns its colorful meanings of eternity life just like a jade hiding in the desert cornor. 只是自己是他身边曾经掠过的小小灰尘,他拍拍衣袖,不留一片云彩。
- The color of her dress suits her very well. 她衣服的颜色很适合她。
- The extremely rare coloring means this crustacean isn't headed for the dinner table, but in an aquarium for all to see. 借着这身极度罕见的外壳颜色,似乎不太妥由于其外壳颜色极为罕见,这只龙虾将不会成为人们的盘中餐,而是被送进水族馆供大家观赏。
- Children like seeing the color television. 孩子们喜欢看彩色电视。
- Flowers are blooming in a riot of color. 百花齐放,万紫千红。
- This is a sort of indeterminate color. 这是一种说不清的颜色。
- She loved the life, noise, and color of the market. 她爱市场上的生趣、喧哗与多姿多彩。
- What color is copper sulphate solution? 硫酸铜溶液是什么颜色?
- There is a place for shige in modern Chinese appellation system while the difference in the colorful meanings also illustrates the necessity of its existence. “师哥”在现代汉语称谓系统中本来就有一个位置,它与“师兄”在色彩义方面的差别更说明了其存在的必要。
- My room was decked with a lot of color bulbs. 我的房间装饰了很多彩灯。
- Blue is a very becoming color on me. 我穿蓝色衣服非常适合。
- I have get a spool of color film. 我有一卷彩色胶卷。
- The banner lent color to the streets. 旗帜给街道增添了色彩。