- Appearance phenomena and color appearance model 色貌与色貌模型
- Color Appearance Model and Gamut Compression 色貌模型与色域压缩
- The Application of CIE Newest Color Appearance Model CIE最新色表模型的应用探讨
- Color appearance model based on artificial neural network 色貌模型的人工神经网络方法的研究
- color appearance model 色貌模型
- The theory and important concepts of color management based on appearance model are discussed and the existing color management solutions including sRGB standard and WCS are analyzed. 详细阐述了基于色貌模型的色彩管理原理及其重要概念,然后对现有的各种色彩管理机制以及即将面世的Windows Color System进行了全面分析和比较。
- Scintillating colors appear in the air. 耀眼的色彩出现在空中。
- On pedestrian detection and tracking, considering the target to be non-rigid, a new target appearance model containing spatial domain and color information was built based on SACON. 应用于人体检测与跟踪时,将目标作为非刚性物体进行处理,结合颜色和空域信息建立一种新的目标外观模型。
- Subdued color appearance, concise, composed in the bathroom, can foil more space than normal with master life taste. 色彩柔和沉稳,外观简洁尊贵,置于浴室一角,更能衬托空间主人非同常人的生活品味。
- The study of color appearance has gone through a major transformation in recent years. 有关色彩外观的研究近年来已经历了一个重大的转变。
- However, due to some defects in local appearance model, ASM can suffer from changes in illumination and facial expression changes. 但是由于ASM采用Local Appearance Model,ASM还是会受到诸如光线的强弱变化、人脸表情变化的影响。
- Basic color management: Specify how colors appear on your monitor and printer. 基本颜色管理:指定监视器及打印机颜色显示方式。
- The color temperature, or more accurately, the apparent color temperature measures the color appearance of the light source. 色温,或者更准确地说,光源的表观色温衡量了它的始现色。
- We hold and keep this idea to remain the same from beginning to end: Meet the best demand on appearance model and its technological intension in VERITAS. 我们持守这一理念始终如一:在VERITAS的外观造型和它的技术内涵上要满足极品需求。
- The relationship between forget? s color appearance and the chroma of its surround in complex displays was investigated using binocular asymmetric matching method. 用双目不对称匹配法测试了在复杂显示中目标色貌与其周围诱导域彩度的关系。
- Experimental results show that our algorithm can be used to automatically create Van Gogh's style oil painting with good appearance of streamlines and color appearance. 实验结果表明该算法自动化程度高,绘制结果具有较好的流线流动感和色彩层叠感。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- In this paper, a facial feature point tracking scheme is proposed by integrating Lucas-Kanade optical flow tracking algorithm and the face alignment statistical model, DAM (direct appearance model), together in a Bayesian framework. 将Lucas-Kanade光流跟踪算法与人脸特征点定位的统计模型dam(direct appearance model)在Bayesian框架下结合起来;提出了视频中人脸特征点定位与跟踪的一种混合模型方法.
- General expression for the effect of an illuminant on the color appearance of objects in conscious or subconscious comparison with their color appearance under a reference illuminant. 某物体在某发光体照射下的颜色效果与该物体在标准发光体下的颜色效果进行比较后所得到的评价。
- Hence we discussed Active Shape Model (ASM)/Active Appearance Model (AAM), compared their advantages and disadvantages respectively, and then uses them for the expression recognition system. 以前的表情识别研究通常都是用手动定位进行研究,在自动识别系统中很显然行不通,所以本文研究了主动形状模型ASM (Active Shape Model)/主动表观模型AAM(Active Appearance Model),仔细比较了它们的优缺点,并且使之成功应用于整个表情自动识别系统。