- It is obviously that change of colony structure fluctuate in different seasons. 该鼠社群结构变动有明显的季节性。
- Crown Colony Structure of Bumper Middle-and-small- leafed Tea Orchard 中小叶种丰产茶园树冠群体结构的研究
- This country used to be a British colony in Asia. 这个国家曾是英国在亚洲的殖民地。
- Crown Colony Structure of Bumper Middle and small leafed Tea Orchard 中小叶种丰产茶园树冠群体结构的研究
- During the May 4th Movement, patriotic clergymen, believers and students of missionary schools in Tianjin, Shanghai and other cities called for changes to the colonial structure of the Chinese Catholic Church. 在五四运动中,津、沪等地的爱国神父、教徒和教会学校学生提出了改变中国天主教会殖民地体制的要求。
- The immigrants founded a colony on the continent. 那些移民在落脚的大陆上建立了一个殖民地。
- A colony of bees living in such a structure. 蜂群在这样的结构中住着的一群蜂
- The colony has now attained nationality. 这块殖民地现已获得独立。
- India was once a British colony. 印度曾是英国的殖民地。
- This is the Chinese colony in New York. 这是纽约华侨的聚居区。
- A colony of Puritans settled in Plymouth. 一群清教徒在普里茅斯定居下来。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- Such a growth or colony, as of bacteria. 培养菌该种生长物或群落,如培养菌
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。
- The structure had keeled over in the high winds. 那座建筑物让大风给刮倒了。
- The city itself is a mixture of Inca and Colonial styles, as it can be appreciated in its temples and churches, where Colonial structures were built over Inca foundations. 城市本身融合了印加及殖民式风格,在这里您可欣赏其建筑于印加文化基础上的殖民式结构之神庙及教堂。
- One granted ownership of a proprietary colony. 领主独占某殖民地所有权的人
- A fan-shaped anatomical structure. 扇形器官扇形的解剖结构
- A secluded structure, such as a bower, in a garden. 凉亭一种在花园中建造的隐蔽性建筑物,如凉亭
- The microscopic structure of tissue. 组织机构组织的微观结构