- colleges universites 高校
- Involving or representing two or more colleges. 院际的包括或代表两个或更多学院的
- He visited a lot of colleges, and finally picked on Stanford. 他访问了许多大学,终于选中了斯坦福大学。
- The Oxford and Cambridge colleges have numerous endowments. 牛津和剑桥大学有数不清的捐助财物。
- Competition among youths to enter the best colleges is intense. 年轻人想进一流大学的竞争是很激烈的。
- This university is a corporate body formed from several colleges. 这所大学是由几个不同学院组成的。
- Variouse of colleges and universites have made all kinds of tryings to extend MPA"s proper scale, one of such trying is start MPA in minority region. 为拓展MPA教育的适用范围,各办学院校进行了多方尝试,其中之一就是面向民族地区开展MPA教育,通过MPA教育提高民族地区干部素质。
- Research on Reading Anxiety in Colleg. 大学英语中的阅读焦虑研究;
- An incorporated senior member of certain colleges and universities. 大学董事某些学院或大学中的社团高级会员
- Colleges battle red ink with tuition fee hikes. 大学以提高学费来弥补财政亏损。
- The colleges would recede in importance. 大学的重要性会降低。
- They view colleges as an ivory tower. 他们把学院视作世外桃源。
- The university includes ten colleges. 该大学有10个学院。
- I think you need to apply to several colleges. 我看你需要向几所大学提出申请。
- This university is composed of five colleges and one graduate school. 这所大学由五个学院和一个研究生院组成。
- There are 31 Colleges in Cambridge. 剑桥大学共有31个学院。
- The design first took off in US colleges and soon was imitated by other apparel manufacturers. 这种式样最初在美国大学中流行,不久其他的服装制造商进行了仿制。
- It has a unalterably important role for colleges and universit ies library in school quality -education,which is decided by its developing tren ds and its inberence characteistic. 高校图书馆的发展趋势和其所具有的特征,决定了高校图书馆在学校素质教育中的重要作用。
- Spanish is taught in our colleges. 在我国的大学里教西班牙语。
- There are many colleges at Harvard and Yale. 哈佛和耶鲁大学都有很多学院。