- My brother collects post cards like you. 我弟弟像你一样收集明信片.
- Then, the cat attacks hodgepodge was initiated collect post, draft the will of TA. 于是,猫扑大杂烩发起了征集帖,征集TA的愿望。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- How long has Jim gone in for collecting stamps? 吉姆爱好集邮有多长时间?
- I am afraid the last post has been dispatched. 恐怕末班邮件已经发出了。
- We are collecting money for children in need. 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。
- All bookings must be made by post. 所有预约都必须用信函形式。
- We are collecting money for the famine victim. 我们在为遭受饥荒的灾民募捐。
- By parcel post our samples were sent. 我们的样品是通过邮包寄送的。
- I find amusement in collecting stamps. 我发现了集邮的乐趣。
- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- Suddenly, collecting antiques is all the fashion. 收集古董突然盛行起来。
- How long is the post tenable for? 这个职位任期多长?
- He is enamored of stamp collecting. 他迷恋于集邮。
- I went to the post office to mail the letters. 我去邮局寄信。
- He is enamoured of stamp collecting. 他迷恋于集邮。
- He was disqualified for the post on account of age. 年龄不合格使他无法无资格任此职。
- His suitability for the post is open to question. 对这一职位他是否适宜很成问题。
- I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。
- I want to send these magazine by book post. 我想把这引起杂志作为书籍邮件寄出。