- collaterals of kidney meridian 足少阴络脉, 足少阴之别
- Acupoint Taixi (KI 3) is the Shu Stream point and Yuan Primary point of kidney meridian. 太溪穴为足少阴肾经的输穴、原穴。
- tendon disease of kidney meridian 仲冬痹
- Joe has also heard of kidney stones. 乔也听人提到过肾结石。
- What are the symptoms of kidney disease? 肾脏疾病的症状是什么?
- Do you have a family history of kidney stones? 是有肾脏结石的血统吗?
- He has some kind of kidney problem. 他患有某种肾脏病。
- Of kidney maintain have those with dietary help? 肾的保养与饮食的帮助有那些?
- branches of kidney meridian 足少阴经别, 足少阴之正
- depletion of kidney meridian 足太阴气绝, 足少阴气绝
- musculature of kidney meridian 足少阴经筋
- Using the acupuncture on the kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin acupoints to treat constipation is a good method. 针刺足少阴肾经是治疗便秘的良好方法。
- Molecular Analysis of Space Mutant Line of Kidney Bean. 菜豆空间突变品系的分子生物学分析。
- The research result showed that hormone has property of Yang,and reached kidney meridian, it has side effect of superheat. 研究认为,激素药性偏阳、归肾经,性同“少火”且具有“壮火”样副作用。
- Familialbilateral cystic dysplasia of kidneys. 为肾发育异常的弥漫性囊肿型。
- She got a very dangerous disease of kidneys. 她得了一种很危险的肾病。
- collaterals of gallbladder meridian 足少阳络脉, 足少阳之别
- collaterals of large intestine meridian 手阳明络脉, 手阳明之别
- collaterals of pericar dium meridian 手厥阴络脉, 手厥阴之别
- The young surgeon contemplated the difficult operation of kidney transplant. 年青的外科医生为肾移植这一棘手的手术苦思冥想。