- Queasy about collateralised debt obligations? 对债权抵押而不安?
- Lord knows where this leaves us, since only He knows what a credit default swap (CDS) on a collateralised debt obligation (CDO) is worth. 只有上帝才知道我们目前所处的境地,因为只有他知道基于债务抵押债券(CDO)的信用违约互换(CDS)价值几何。
- ABN Amro, a Dutch bank now in a takeover battle, late last year led a collateralised debt obligation packaging the natural catastrophe risks of Catlin, a Bermuda-based insurer. 现今正拼杀于并购战中的荷兰银行ABNAmro,去年年末发行抵押债务债券(CDO),以打包总部设于百慕大的阿特利保险公司的自然灾难风险。
- Germany's economic machine is made of honest iron and steel, not subprime mortgages, collateralised debt obligations and other financial chicanery. 据说,此次危机骗过了华尔街,骗过了伦敦市,却也证实了德国坚实的社会主义市场经济的优势。
- Increasingly, they are being pooled into collateralised debt obligations (CDOs), another form of investment vehicle that is growing as fast as a hedge-fund manager's bank balance. 逐渐地它们被集中成债务抵押债券,另一种形式的投资工具,目前它与对冲基金经理的银行存款余额增长的一样快。
- When the jargon of the 2008-09 recession wasn't harsh, it was often mystifying: credit default swaps, collateralised debt obligations and quantitative easing. 虽然2008-09年经济复苏产生的行话没有特别刺耳,但总是让人费解不已:信用违约交换,债务抵押债券,还有量化宽松。
- These are anything but triple-A, but can be repackaged into securities via collateralised debt obligations (CDOs) in a way that makes default an extremely low mathematical probability. 新兴的公司财务理论开始鼓励企业扩大债务规模,以期获取更多收入。
- Germany's economic machine is made of honest iron and steel, not subprime mortgages, collateralised debt obligations and otherCheap The Chronicles of Spellborn Gold financial chicanery. 德国的经济机器是踏踏实实地用钢和铁做成的,而不是次级房屋抵押贷款、担保债务凭证和其他金融欺诈。
- The MBS markets are huge and relatively liquid. But financiers took these securities and other types of debt and repackaged them again in structures known as collateralised debt obligations (CDOs). MBS市场规模庞大,流动性相对较强。但是,金融家获得这些证券和其它类型的债券,以一种所谓的“债务抵押债券(CDO)”结构再次对其进行打包。
- Germany's economic machine is made of honest iron and steel, not subprime mortgages, collateralised debt obligations and other Cheap The Chronicles of Spellborn Gold financial chicanery. 然而,如果你更近距离地观察,(就会发现)德意志联邦共和国并没有在这场危机中独善其身。
- The paying of a bill or debt obligation before it is due. 指提前偿还未到期的债务。
- Enter the newest symbol of the corporate-bond bonanza: an instrument known cryptically as the constant proportion debt obligation, or CPDO. 公司债券这一富矿的最新代表出现了:固定比例债券,或简写为CPDO,一个意义深远的工具。
- Coupon Bond A debt obligation with coupons attached that represent semiannual interest payments. 有息票债券附有息票的债务,每半年支付利息一次。
- CDO, or collateralized debt obligation, is a form of structured financing and typically generates a fixed cash flow. 摘要:CDO是一个具有稳定现金流量的固定收益证券。
- Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligation An artificial collateralized debt obligation that is backed by a pool of credit derivatives. 合成有抵押债务由一组信贷衍生工具作担保的人为有抵押债务责任。
- An added feature of a debt obligation designed to enhance marketability, such as a warrant which allows it to be converted into shares. 在债券发行上;这是指为提高债券销路而附送给投资人的甜头;如允许将债券转换成股票的认股权证.
- The overheated pursuit of Wall Street of the collateralized debt obligation(CDO) and housing mortgage loan bond(MBS) has gradually pushed the Assets equity ratio higher. 华尔街在对担保债务权证(CDO)和住房抵押贷款债券(MBS)的追逐中,逐渐形成更高的资产权益比率。
- Duffie, D., and Garleanu, N.2002.Risk and valuation of collateralized debt obligation[R].Working paper, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. 本文暂不讨论给予自身信用进行的债务融资;包括发行债券或从银行借款.
- Debt obligations were traditionally passed from father to son. 债务向来是可以一代传一代的。
- Saad Group defaulted on some of its debt obligations earlier this year. 今年年初,萨阿德集团违约了部分债务。