- Concerning the power system collapses happened in resent years,the necessity and urgency for the research on power systems collapse prevention system are pointed out. 从防止电力系统灾变发生的角度,阐述了进行电力系统灾变防治研究的必要性和迫切性。
- collapse prevention system 灾变防治体系
- The Company has formed a perfected internal control and risk prevention system. 公司制定了完善的内控、风险防范制度。
- Recent studies on the power systems collapse prevention and the mechanism of cascading failures have shown that the self-organized criticality (SOC) is the character of power system blackouts. 对复杂电力系统灾变以及电网发生连锁性大停电事故机理的研究表明,自组织临界性是电网停电事故的特征。
- Nowadays Intrusion Prevention System(IPS) is an important research field in network security technology. 入侵防御系统是最近网络安全技术领域一个重要研究方向。
- SSLT has become outstanding company in the field of EAS, safety and loss prevention system and the leading provider of solutions. 中国第一家射频系统采用锁相三环同步递归滤波技术的的专业设备制造商。
- StackDefender is an IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), for WIN32, which will deny shellcodes from executing in User Stack and Writable memory regions. stackdefender是一个新闻通讯社(入侵防御系统) ,对于win32的,它会否认shellcodes从执行,在用户堆栈和可写内存区域。
- Thinking of status in management of human power in disease control and prevention system and opti-mized development in China. 疾病控制;人力资源;现状;优化发展,,疾病控制;人力资源;现状;优化发展,1疾控机构人力资源管理的现状,2现代人力资源管理理念,3人力资源管理与
- Finally, the evaluation also selected a number of indicators established evaluation indices, the Yingkou road safety prevention system evaluated. 最后,还选取了一些评价指标建立了评价指标体系,对营口道路交通安全预防体系进行了评价。
- The Bair Hugger warming system is used to help prevent systemic hypothermia. BairHugger加热系统用来预防身体组织的体温降低。
- Our company’s well-established breeding rules, procedures and epidemic prevention system guarantee the unpolluted safe food production in the base. 公司有健全的饲养规程和防疫体系,保证了基地实行无残留、无公害的安全食品生产。
- Landslide and collapse prevention in rainy season 浅谈汛期滑坡和坍方的防治
- This paper researches on AIRS which aims at protecting a local area network, and takes MONSTER, an intrusion prevention system, as its application background. 本文以入侵防范系统MONSTER为背景,研究建立保护接入网的单点自动入侵响应系统。
- At present, the checking computation of collapse preventing performance of architecture is realized by calculating the plastic displacement between layers of the unsubstantial layer under the action of the rarely met earthquake. 目前,我国建筑防倒塌验算是通过对罕遇地震作用下对薄弱层的层间弹塑性位移的验算来实现的。
- The Kelly rock valve, simple in its structure, easy to handle, reliable to operate, is a very important part of blowout prevention system during drilling. 方钻杆旋塞阀结构简单、操作方便、使用较可靠,已成为钻井钻柱内防喷系统的重要组成部分,在现场广泛使用。
- However, in the intrusion prevention system, intercepting every packet, analyzing and matching some kind of attack need a great deal of time and system resource. 然而,入侵防御系统截获网络的每一个数据包,并分析、匹配其中是否具有某种攻击的特征需要花费大量的时间和系统资源。
- He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他将轮椅折叠起来放在船上。
- HACCP refers to hazard analysis &critical control points system,which is a prevention system to normalize production operation and make proper control of sanitary conditions. 即危害分析与关键控制点体系,是一种规范操作和卫生标准的控制危害的预防体系。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- In light relevant laws and codes, we constitute forest-fire prevention system, intensify protection and guarding in forest range, magnify propaganda education. 根据有关法律法规制定森林防火制度,加强林区管护,扩大宣传教育,从而有效地护林防火,保护森林。