- Causes and treatment of collapse and rockfall of cut slope along Jin-Wen railway line 金温铁路崩塌落石的成因与防治
- collapse and rockfall 崩塌落石
- The floor collapsed and they dropped through. 地板坍了,他们从坍陷处跌了下去。
- I thought this kind of happiness must be trustable---just as suddenly as it had come it would collapse and plunge her into deeper despair. 我认为这种幸福是不牢靠的—就像它来得突然一样,它也会突然地破灭并使她陷入更大的失望。
- The ceiling collapsed and rubble poured into the room. 天花板坍塌了,碎砖破瓦掉落到了屋里。
- I was totally collapsed and I doubted my own value. 我当时真是完全崩溃,好怀疑自己的价值。
- Suddenly he collapsed and lost consciousness. 刹那间,他倒在地上,不省人事。
- Lin, M.L . and Jeng, F.S. (1997) “Field trip guide to the stress release joint and rockfall hazard”, Sino-Amer.Sym. 林煜卿,林铭郎(1997)“新竹宝山地区泥质岩层之力学特性研究”,中国地质学会八十六年年会论文摘要,成功大学,1997.;3
- The complicated geologic structure in Danbashan mountain sometimes resulted in landslide,mudflow and rockfall. 大巴山区由于特殊的地质构造,滑坡、泥石流和崩塌等地质灾害时有发生。
- He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他将轮椅折叠起来放在船上。
- Huaying city is a mountain area with many serious geohazards,especially,such as landslide,mud-rock,and rockfall. 华蓥市山地灾害种类繁多,分布广泛。
- When the water melts it evaporates, and the dehydrated cells collapse and die. 水分融化蒸发后,脱水的细胞就会被摧毁,甚至死亡。
- Collapses and hides sections of code in Visual Basic files. 折叠并隐藏Visual Basic文件中的代码节。
- Turkish player who collapsed and the loss of about 11 recovered. 土耳其玩家倒下一位,损失大概是11的回收的。
- The Akkadian Empire had collapsed and Mesopotamia was in turmoil. 阿卡得的帝国已经崩溃了,美索不达米亚处于混乱中。
- These stories tell us about the collapse and rebirth of a vast empire in a universe of the future. 这些故事给我们讲述了未来宇宙中的一大帝国的瓦解与复兴。
- Even so, trade is collapsing and an insidious protectionism is on the rise . 即便如此,贸易仍在崩塌,内部保护主义在抬头。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Toxaemia may be a contributing factor in occasional acute cases in which the pigs collapse and die suddenly. 在猪出现虚脱和突然死亡的个别急性病例中,毒血症可能是一种原因。