- Person in cold area's are higher than tropics. 寒冷地区的人高于热带地区的人。
- As a consequence, the warmest area in a fermenter is the cap, while the vat bottom is the coldest area. 众所周知,发酵时要产生热量,热量需要均匀的散布在罐内各处的醪液里以获得酵母生殖的理想温度条件。
- The coldest area is in the plateau area of Tasmania and southeast corner of the tableland and mainland. 最冷的地区在塔斯马尼亚的高原地带及台地和大陆的东南角。
- People in cold areas live longer. 寒带地区的人寿命较长。
- A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold area. 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。
- This paper analyzes the causations of frost heaving of road and conformation building in cold area. 对寒冷地区出现的道路、构造物冻胀现象进行了分析,阐述了冻胀产生的原因,并提出了几项防止冻胀的措施。
- Han Xueiun,Wang Wenqian.The fine seed grass Medicago,falcats in high cold area[J].Pratacultural Science,1995,12(3):44. [9]韩学俊;王文乾.;高寒牧区的优质饲草--黄花苜蓿[J]
- The atmosphere is heavy in cold areas and its pressure is big. 冷的地方空气重,压力大。
- Some still live in extremely cold areas and their dances vary. 有些还居住在高寒山区,各种舞蹈因地区而有不同。
- The two-layer shading screen system suitable for cold areas. 适合寒冷地区使用的“二层保幕系统”。
- Ice is a ubiquitous water phenomenon in cold area rivers,the change of water level during ice jam is one the uppermost phenomena in ice jam reach. 冰凌是冬季寒冷地区河流上普遍存在的一种水文现象,冰塞期间水位的变化是冰塞河段最主要的现象之一。
- This paper focused on the effect of cracking to durability of pavement in the cold area,and on measures for controlling the cracks. 文章着重研究高寒地区裂缝对沥青混凝土路面耐久性的影响,并对控制裂缝的措施进行研究。
- The experimental results on extraction of gold by heap leaching process from low-grade gold ore at very cold area in Xizang are introduced. 介绍了在西藏高寒地区采用堆浸工艺从低品位金矿石中提取金的试验结果。
- The conclusion shows the characteristics of RCD concrete dam stress field in the very cold area and it will be helpful for design and construction. 仿真计算结果揭示了北方寒冷地区碾压混凝土坝温度应力的特征,从而为混凝土入仓温度控制标准的制定和边界保温方法的选择提供依据。
- Ice jam of pipes for transporting oil and gas in winter threatens momently the safety running of petrochemical units in cold area. 在寒冷地区的冬季,用输油管道输油时,通过常年冻土地带的管线,其输送的油中的水会在管内壁结冰,严重时会发生冰堵事故。
- Ice is a ubiquitous water phenomenon in cold area rivers,the change of thickness and water level during ice jam is one the uppermost phenomena in ice jam reach. 冰凌是冬季寒冷地区河流上普遍存在的一种水文现象,冰塞期间冰塞厚度和水位变化是冰塞河段最主要的现象之一。
- In severe cold area of Northeast, the stepped reinforcement gabion energy dissipater applied to double face overflow works on weak foundation is first example. 在东北严寒地区,建基为软基且双面过水的工程中应用阶梯式钢筋石笼消能,当属首例。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Research purposes: This paper researches the hydrant system design of mountain tunnel in severe cold area and gives solution on antifreezing measures of fire-fighting pipe. 研究目的:研究适应于寒冷地区山岭隧道消火栓系统的设计方法,解决消火栓系统的选取及消防管道防冻等设计难题。
- This paper covers construction of ropeway frame and equipment foundations in extremely cold area, focusing on frozen soil digging, foundation construction and concrete casting. 摘要介绍索道支架基础和设备基础在高寒地带遇到冻土时的施工情况,分析冻土开挖、基底处理以及混凝土浇注应该釆取的方法和需注意的问题。