- cold shaping steel 冷变形钢
- Use the furnace control is the key, overheated is too thin easy to deform, cold shaping would not be too hard. 使用时火候的控制是关键,过热则太稀易变形,冷了又会太硬无法塑形。
- The company special produces more than 200 various specification steel, like cold roll flat stee, cold drawn flat stee, hot roll flat steel, shape steel and heteromorphism shape steel. 公司专业生产各种规格冷轧、冷拔、热轧扁钢、方钢及型钢两百余种。
- ABS modified the shape steel tubes, pipes pieces, glue and accessory products development, production, wholesale, retail. abs改性工塑管材、管件、胶剂及配套产品的开发、生产、批发、零售。
- As for the experience in China,we have supplied about 80 machines since we supplied the 500T straightener for the shape steel to Bao Steel in 1982. 在向中国出口业绩方面,自1982年向中国宝山钢铁公司出口500吨型钢校正压机以来,已经在中国销售了80余台设备。
- For squareness pipe or other shape steel, the tradition forming technology is to be formed in round at first and then to be formed in squareness. 在生产方矩管以及其它闭口或开口型钢时,传统的成型法是先成圆后成方。
- Taking the workboat wharf berthing members in a wharf extension project as an example, it introduces the application and structural characteristics of shape steel concrete structure in wharf berthing member design. 以扩建工程中工作船码头靠船构件为例,介绍型钢混凝土结构在码头靠船构件设计中的应用及结构特点。
- The soldiers fought their enemies cold steel. 士兵们同敌人进行白刃战。
- The optimization design for pass of shape steel and draughting regulations for plate and strip is introduced,design features and methods offered,the effect of optimization also given. 介绍了板、带材压下规程及型材的孔型优化设计问题,并指出了设计特点与方法,给出了优化后的效果。为钢材及其它有色金属轧制规程的设计提供了设计方法。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- Unsymmetrical T-cross section trussed special-shaped steel reinforced concrete column was analyzed by ANSYS, in order to investigate the synergistic effect of shape steel and concrete. 摘要利用ANSYS有限元程序,对非对称T形截面桁架式型钢混凝土异形柱进行分析,研究桁架式型钢混凝土异形柱中型钢与混凝土的协同工作能力;
- The paper studies the integral curvilinear sliding construction for truss structure by using shape steel tube falsework for first time, which developes the technology of sliding construction. 首次在实际工程中采用型钢管胎架进行桁架胎架整体曲线滑移施工,拓展了滑移施工工艺。
- Ballast watt machine.Bending Machine.'C' shaped steel forming machine-led investment in equipment, etc. 'C'型钢成型机等主导设备投资叁仟伍佰万元。
- Shaped steel and stem are set in columns border upon transfer layer for improving structural aseismatic capacity. 转换层相邻各层柱还设置了型钢和芯柱以改善结构的抗震性能。
- The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep. 那姑娘站在门前的台阶上,冷得直打哆嗦。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- She could only croak because of her heavy cold. 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。
- Light steel structure products have the steel girder, steel, C shaped steel purlin, color-coated steel pressure plate and its accessories. 产品有轻钢结构的钢梁、钢柱、C型钢檩条、彩钢压型板及其配件。
- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。
- The Cold Shaping Process and Die Structural of Egg-Shaped Cylindrical Shell 卵形截面柱壳型模冷压弯成形工艺及模具结构