- Analysis of the Impact of Cold wave Strike on RCC Dam 寒潮对碾压混凝土重力坝的影响性分析
- Analysis of temperature control and cracking prevention during long downtime on placement surface and cold wave strike for Longtan High RCC Gravity Dam 龙滩大坝仓面长间歇和寒潮冷击的温控防裂分析
- cold wave strike 寒潮冷击
- The cold wave extended into April. 寒潮一直延续至4月份。
- Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures. 与气温有关部门的寒流。
- They announced that a cold wave would come soon. 他们报告说不久寒流就要来。
- Do you want a permanent wave or a cold wave? 您想电烫还是冷烫?
- The ship yawed as the heavy wave struck abeam. 当巨浪向船舷撞击时,船开始左右摇摆。
- What would you like permanent, cold wave, or washed and dressed? 你要电烫,还是洗一洗做一做头发?
- Orchard without precaution will suffer heavy loss in case cold wave occyrs. 如果寒潮发生,不采取预防措施的果园将会受到严重损失。
- This cold wave is severe enough to freeze over all the rivers and ponds. 这次寒潮很厉害, 河流和池塘都得结冰。
- The big waves struck the rocks of the bank. 巨浪拍击着岸边的岩石。
- Another wave struck the house, and a strange cracking noise began. 轰!又一个浪头击中房子。接着,他们听到一种奇怪的破裂声。
- A curling wave struck the side of the ship and splashed salt spray on my lips. 一阵海浪卷来,打在船边,将咸味的浪花溅到我嘴唇上。
- The source of the arctic air for this cold wave may be traced upstream tothe Arctic Ocean to the east of Greenland. 此次寒潮的冷空气源地,一直可以溯源至格林兰东方的北冰洋上。
- Especially when cold wave comes over, air temperature pelter, want to notice to add the dress in time. 特别是寒潮袭来时,气温骤降,要注意及时添加衣服。
- The soil moisture, time and intension of cold wave affected mainly ovum hatching in the spring. 影响春季蝗卵孵化的主要气象因子是土壤湿度和寒潮天气的时间与强度;
- These waves struck the antenna of a receiving station. 这些波碰到了接收台天线。
- vocal cord infection 声带感染
- Cold wave in the economy, recently announced in December the manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) people to smell a trace of spring. 经济寒潮中,近日公布的12月份制造业采购经理指数(PMI)让人嗅到一丝春意。