- cold fusion mechanism 冷聚变机理
- Cold fusion is the Holy Grail of particle physics. 冷熔解是粒子物理的圣杯。
- Deuterion-deuterion tight bound states model about the mechanism of socalled "nuclear cold fusion" is proposed. 摘要提出了氘-氘紧束缚态模型。
- The fusion probabilities P(subscript CN) of some reaction channels based on the mechanism of cold fusion are also calculated. 通过求解主方程,对一些基于冷熔合机制的反应道的全熔合几率也进行了讨论。
- The theoretical models for investigating the fusion mechanism of heavy nucleus collisions and calculating the formation cross sections of superheavy nuclei have been introduced. 介绍并讨论了研究超重核合成的主要理论模型以及近年来在研究重核熔合机制和超重核合成理论模型方面的进展。
- Cold Fusion is designed with non-programmers in mind, while PHP is focused on programmers. Cold Fusion是为非程序员的头脑所设计,而PHP则聚焦于程序员。
- For instance, cold fusion or anti-gravity devices are sometimes characterized as the "holy grail" of applied physics. 例如,冷聚变或者是反引力装置有时候会表现为“圣杯”特色的应用物理学。
- Jack In - Web site design company working with ASP, Cold Fusion, HTML, DHTML, database design(MS Access). 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- Still, he now feels that cold fusion proposals can gain positive recommendations. 尽管如此,他现在感受到,冷融合提案将可能获得正面的推荐。
- Cold Fusion has better error handling, database abstraction and date parsing although database abstraction is addressed in PHP 4. Cold Fusion具有更好的错误处理,数据库抽象和数据解析,尽管数据库抽象已经在PHP 4中解决了。
- The isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model has been further developed by considering shell effect and the fusion mechanism near Coulomb barrier is studied by using the improved model. 通过考虑动力学中的壳效应;对同位旋相关的量子分子动力学模型做了进一步改进;并利用改进的量子分子动力学模型对近垒熔合机制做了动力学研究.
- The cold fusion is not traditional nucleus-nucleus fusion but a new fusion, a new theory model was expounded of dineutron-nucleus fusion in 1989. 本文指出冷聚变不是传统观念的核与核聚变,而是可在任何温度条件下都能进行的新型聚变。文中论述杨介甫于1989年首次提出的双中子态理论模型;
- The idea drew a coterie of die-hard supporters, but mainstream scientists have roundly rejected that variety of cold fusion. 这个点子吸引了一小群坚信不渝的支持者,但主流科学家严正驳斥这一类冷融合。
- In the end, most reviewers suggested that funding agencies should entertain proposals of cold fusion studies via the conventional route of peer review. 最后,大多数审查委员都建议,经费审查单位应该透过同侪审查的传统途径,接受冷融合的研究提案。
- The energy is produced by a process of cold fusion, when a Lithium and Deuterium rich solution permiates the seeds and their environs. 当锂和氘的富液浸透种子及其周围,这种能量便生成于一低温聚变过程。
- But without dedicated programs, Hagelstein remarks, any cold fusion proposals will have to fight for money from programs that can disregard them as outside their area. 不过黑格斯坦也表示,没有专门的研究计画,冷融合研究提案就必须与其他领域的研究计画一起争夺经费。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- After the 10th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Hagelstein and fellow cold fusion proponents thought research had progressed far enough to request an update on the first review. 在第10届国际冷融合研讨会后,黑格斯坦和许多冷融合支持者认为,目前的实验进展已经足以要求重新考虑第一次审查结果。
- Study on Dynamics of the Fusion Mechanism near Coulomb Barrier 近垒熔合机制的动力学研究
- In fact, its advocates have renamed their endeavours “low-energy nuclear reactions” because cold fusion has received such a drubbing.That is because most scientists think it impossible. 其实正因冷聚变遭到如此痛击,拥护者都已为他们的研究成果改名换姓,称之为“低能核反应”。